The Normal Before The Weird

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 You awoke from your dreamless slumber at the repetitive sound of your alarm going off. You groaned, rubbing a hand down your face. Your mind was significantly calmer than it was the night before, but you were still thinking about everything that you learned. You had to find a way to ask them about this, but you weren't sure how to bring it up. Plus, a dark part of you was almost scared of what they could do. William and Michael were both strong men, and while you could probably take Michael in a fight you doubted you would be able to run from William if everything that was said about them was true. You threw your legs over the bed, grabbing your phone and turned your alarm off, unplugging your phone as you did. You walked over to your closet, grabbing your only clean work shirt, which consisted of a dark purple button-up shirt. You made a mental reminder that you needed to do laundry later. You grabbed a pair of black jeans to go with the shirt and then picked out a pair of socks before walking into the bathroom across the hall. You flicked the light on, recoiling at the sudden brightness that your eyes weren't used to. After your eyes somewhat adjusted to the light you opened them just a sliver so that you could begin dressing yourself and fixing your hair. You pulled off your comfortable pajamas and slipped into the clothes you had to wear. Once you had all of your clothes on, you grabbed your nametag from the counter and pinned it on.

You moved on to fixing your hair, your mind still trying to come up with solutions for your problem. You considered telling Jeremy about it all, but almost felt bad dragging him into this. At the same time, however, you didn't even know if they were dangerous or not. Maybe it was a big misunderstanding and a tale of a family that was broken at the loss of their son and made mistakes while grieving. Michael would've only been a pre-teen by the time of the accident, he made a mistake like any child would. William though, he was accused of a murder. A murder. It was years ago and nothing similar has happened since then but still. You grabbed your favorite bottle of [Perfume / Cologne] and sprayed some. You brushed your teeth quickly before shutting the light off and exiting the room, quickly grabbing your phone from inside your room. You checked the time, realizing that you were running a few minutes late. You rushed out of the room, through your apartment and grabbed your keys. You quickly checked to make sure you had everything; making sure everything was in its designated pocket. Once you were satisfied you exited your apartment and rushed down the staircase to the first place of your apartment building.

"Hey, [Name]!" A voice greeted you. You turned around and saw one of the other residents of the apartment who you were acquaintances with. He was tall and lanky and had shoulder length purple hair that was always in a low ponytail whenever you saw him. One of his eyes was a dark, reddish-brown color while the other was a cloudy white due to his partial blindness. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans with black shoes.

"Oh, hey Vincent! Look, I'm gonna be late for work but let's chat later, I'd love to catch up!" You replied back, walking backwards to the front door of the building. Vincent nodded in understanding.

"Alright! Have a good day at work," He smiled. You returned the smile before turning and pulling open the door, walking through it. You rushed over to your car and got inside of it, quickly starting it you drove off towards work hoping that you wouldn't be late. As you drove you were still thinking of what you would do to bring the whole past trauma thing up with William and Michael. You decided to just ask Michael about it as he may be inclined to be less violent if anything went wrong... which it wouldn't. You took a deep breath to settle yourself. They weren't some evil villains who had their heart set on killing you, they were your friends. If they didn't want to talk about it then they wouldn't.

You let out a deep breath as you pulled up to the establishment. You parked your car in its usual spot before getting out of it. You slammed the door shut behind you, eyeing the building for a moment before walking in. Like usual Chica and Bonnie were talking on the stage. You quickly caught their eye and ushered you over. You noted that they looked almost concerned in a way. You approached them with a raised eyebrow. "Is something wrong?" You asked. Chica shot you a look that made you back away from them a step.

"Listen, we know you're curious about what happened. That's normal! But please don't go to Michael for answers because he doesn't have them," Chica yell-whispered at you. You stared at her in surprise and confusion. How did she know your plan, were you talking to yourself without realizing? Chica let out a long sigh.

"I know you're confused but please just ask William any questions ya have! When people make Michael remember what he did he gets violent and upset, and he doesn't calm down for weeks! He doesn't like to remember the past, he's moved on," Bonnie pleaded, grabbing you by your shoulders and shaking you some.

"I'm confused how you even knew my plan!" You yelled, feeling lost. It was almost like you were dreaming. You pushed Bonnie away from you, gripping your own shoulder.

"You'll find that out if you actually do what we say," Chica said before sliding off of the stage, grabbing Bonnie by the arm and leading him off. You watched them leave bewildered. This was all so weird, there was no way they could've known, right? You took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of your nose. Well, you might as well go along with what they told you, right? They knew William and Michael better than you did at this point, and they also seemed to know what had happened in the past. You finally made up your mind, deciding that you would approach William after work. You made another mental reminder before trying to think of other things to fill in some sort of normality that you currently lacked. You thought about yesterday with Bonnie and Freddy, and the cute cats you had seen. These thoughts helped calm you down some. Eventually after another few moments the establishment opened and more and more kids came in. You were running around the whole day fixing things whether that be an arcade machine or when some kid was somehow able to get a whole large extra-cheese pizza stuck inside Toy Freddy's torso. That was not fun to clean up at all. When you asked Freddy how it happened he just answered with, "I dunno," and shrugged. How the hell didn't he know. HE'S the one with a cheese pizza inside of him.

After a long few hours it was finally your lunch break and you were so happy to finally be able to get away from snot-nosed kids and eat something. Jeremy cooked a pizza in the kitchen that you both shared in the employee break room. You had it with a bag of chips from one of the overpriced vending machines. After a few minutes of eating and talking with Jeremy, Michael walked into the room and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. You gave him a smile, trying to act normal. Neither of the other men seemed none the wiser to what you knew. "Hey guys!" Michael greeted the two of you, taking a seat besides Jeremy.

"Hey, Michael," You greeted him, taking a big bite out of your slice of pizza. Jeremy gave a head nod towards Michael.

"Can I have some of this pizza? My dad isn't letting me take some of his lunch," Michael asked.

"Sure, go ahead!" Jeremy said. Michael grabbed a slice of the pizza, taking a bite out of it. You eyed Jeremy, who looked back at you with a confused look. "What?" He asked,

"Oh, nothing, just surprised that there's still any food left for Michael, you vacuum," You playfully teased the ginger with a smile. He rolled his eyes and scoffed dramatically.

"Please, you wish you could eat as fast as me," Jeremy smiled at you. Michael shook his head and made a noise in disapproval at Jeremy's words before quickly swallowing the food he had in his mouth.

"Oh hell no we don't. Like we said yesterday, we actually like enjoying our food instead of inhaling it like air like you do," Michael said before taking another large bite of his pizza.

"Yeah, what he said," You stated, taking a bite of your own pizza. Jeremy shrugged and took a bite of his pizza, taking nearly 3/4ths of the thing into his mouth. You stared at him in a disgusted, yet somewhat impressed, shocked way. Michael looked over at him and nearly choked on his own food, making you burst out laughing. You slammed your hand down on the table and doubled over, your laughter filling the room. Michael swatted at you from the other side of the table, and to retaliate you kicked his shin under the table. He swallowed his food and let out a yelp.

"Ladies, ladies, please," Jeremy said, putting his hands out to break up you and Michael's little fight. You rolled your eyes at Jeremy and threw one of your chips at him. He gasped and put a hand over his heart in faux offense, sputtering and making shocked noises. "My lord, how could you!" He exclaimed, wiping away fake tears. You and Michael giggled, Jeremy quickly joining in. After a few moments of giggling you stopped and a content smile was left on your face.

You never really had friends you could laugh like this with growing up, and now that you did you didn't want to trade it for the world.

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now