After Hours... Again

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The next day you, Jeremy, Michael, Toy Chica and Mangle met in Kids Cove. The five of you sat in a circle on the small stage in the room, talking in hushed tones about the plans. Or, rather, lack thereof.

"Yeah we have nothing," Chica admitted with a shrug, her hand interlocked tightly with Mangle's. Michael let out a long, defeated groan.

"So what now?" Michael huffed. Mangle tilted their head to the side.

"Well we could always just go with the backup plan," Mangle suggested, her voice slightly glitchy due to all the damage her voice box had received. Jeremy furrowed his brow.

"What backup plan?" He asked, looking over at Michael. Chica scoffed in an offended manner and rolled her eyes.

"Didn't Michael and [Name] tell you? We were just going to lock them in the closet by the bathrooms until they admitted their love or fuck or whatever," Chica spat. Jeremy recoiled at her harsh tone. You gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder to make him feel a bit better.

"Well when would we do that? We can't do it during the day, the kids will throw a fit and start giving people rabies or whatever disease those vermin have," You raised.

"That's true..." Chica hummed, looking stumped.

"We could always do it at night," Mangle mentioned. Michael shook his head in disagreement.

"Yeah but then me, Jeremy and [Name] will be at home. We want to see what happens." Michael argued, bringing up a good point.

"Well you could always stay after hours. Just tell your dad you're going somewhere with [Name] and Jeremy for the night." Mangle argued back. "You don't have to worry about being on the cameras since you and the night guard will be the only ones who sees it unless something bad happens."

"We have a night guard?" You asked, wondering why a children's pizzeria would need a night guard, or how they could even afford it with the budget.

"Yeah. His name is Scott. If I had to guess, William's just scared of people trying to steal his precious robots or damaging us." Chica told you.

"Won't he just tell my dad then? We're the only ones who know me and him are related so he might think I'm messing around and tell him without another thought." Michael stated, before adding, "Also I'd like to keep us being the only ones knowing I'm his son."

"Don't worry, we'll just threaten him. He's scared shitless of us, he won't say anything if we tell him not to." Mangle chuckled. You wondered why the night guard would be scared of the animatronics when most of them have been really nice and friendly.

"Speaking of you guys, where's Balloon Boy and the Marionette? William told me about them but I haven't actually seen them." Jeremy asked. Chica motioned over towards the large present box in the room over with her free hand.

"That giant box houses the Puppet. She used to be for security but was reprogrammed to hand out presents to sad children, but kids seem more afraid of her so she stays in her box during the day." Chica explained. Jeremy nodded his head in understanding. "As for Balloon Boy, you probably never see him because he's so short and gets confused as an actual kid all the time. Alternatively, he was just shoved into a small space and got stuck and no one found him yet." Chica laughed.

"Aw, I hope not! He's not that annoying of a kid," Mangle frowned.

"Anyways let's go over our plan again." You said. Chica cleared her throat and took a breath, although she really didn't need to.

"So you three will stay after until everyone leaves. You could convince your dad," Chica said, motioning towards Michael, "To give you the keys by saying you and the other two need to work on one of us a bit longer for whatever reason. He'll leave, along with everyone else, and that's when we lure the two gayboys into the closet. I was thinking we could just ask them to get something in there for us and close the door on them," Chica brainstormed. You and the others listened intently to her words. "Then after we get them in, we shout our terms from the other side of the door and wait. While we wait, me and Mangle could introduce you to Puppet and we can like... I don't know, play games or something."

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now