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hi everyone i've decided that hair nets are so not it so no one is wearing one!!!! if you're ever working in a kitchen please where your hair nets and please wash properly!!! Also this chapter officially makes this story longer than 30k words, which is kind of a scary thought. I've never written a fanfic this long before, is it obvious I have no clue what I'm doing?


On your first day of the job, which was nearly a month ago by now, you were easily overwhelmed by the new sensory inputs and the loud nature of everything around you. Now that you had gotten more familiar and used to those things, work went by without a hitch for the most part. That didn't mean that there weren't bad days though. Today was one of those days.

The kids seemed more rambunctious than usual, and little more than an hour into your shift some kid had already thrown a toy from the prize counter at an arcade machine, shattering the glass everywhere. The kid promptly started screaming and crying like he was being murdered. It took Jeremy thirty minutes to talk the mom down from calling the police for being asked to pay a fine for property damage.

That was just the beginning of it, too, the kids just never seemed to let up. Breaking things, screaming, making messes, and being general nuisances. You felt bad for the waiting staff and Michael, the ones who had to put up with most of it. You were just there to fix any mechanical things they broke, but they were the ones actually chasing the little shits down. Sometimes, when you weren't involved with it, it was funny to see the other staff chasing after the kids. In the back of your mind you imagined comical cartoon music as you watched them politely shove by people.

While it was funny, it also meant that the other staff were a bit busy doing their job to stop and chat about getting a fat wad to flirt with their boss. You looked around the main area, deciding to go see what was up in the kitchen. Maybe you could help around there, do a few things for some people, gain a few favors. You might even make a few friends if you're lucky! That alt girl that Chica mentioned seemed cool, or at least you hoped she was. You strolled over to the non offensive, off-white double doors that led into the kitchen. You pushed them open and peaked inside, spotting a few girls working inside the room. They were tending to the food, washing the dishes, cleaning and chatting all the while.

There was a girl with straight, blonde hair that fell to her mid-back wearing the uniform supplied to the cooking staff like everyone else. She was lanky and relatively well-endowed. She was wearing light makeup, her eyelashes long and fluttery as she moved around the kitchen, bantering with who you assumed must be the alt girl. Her hair was dyed black and frizzy, a few sections of her hair having pink dyed raccoon streaks. She was wearing more makeup than the blonde girl, but it wasn't anything extreme either. She had a few facial and ear piercings, namely her gauge and angel fangs. There were a few other women in the room, but they weren't merely as interesting as the two seemingly-opposites basically flirting with each other as they cooked cheap pizzas for ungrateful kids.

You stepped fully into the room, pulling up your sleeves to your elbows. A few glances were sent your way, but it was ultimately the blonde girl who spoke up. "Hey, do you need something?" She asked. Her voice was very effeminate, but not in an annoying way.

"Just wanted to see if you guys need any help here." You smiled politely. She raised an eyebrow at you. "Okay, honestly? I really do not want to deal with the little shits running around out there. That is not my job." You laughed. She smiled and nodded you over with her head.

"Come help me with these dishes. These things pile up too fast for just me to keep up with them." She said, turning her attention back to the sink. The alt girl nodded her head in agreement from where she was kneading dough a few feet away.

"At least we're getting plates back." She huffed. "I'm surprised not more of them end up as glass shattered on the floor."

"We wouldn't have to clean plate shards, though." The blonde replied back. You stood next to her now, reaching into the sink and picking up a steel wool. You and her both worked on cleaning the dishes as quickly as you could while still being sanitary. "I'm Doll, by the way. Her name is Valerie." Doll gestured vaguely towards the other girl. "We're girlfriends but historians will say we were just really close best friends." She smiled.

"I'm [Name], nice to meet you both." You introduced yourself, trying not to gag at the feeling and the sound of the steel wool scratching against glass plates and metal pans.

"You're the one always hanging around with the animatronics, right?" Valerie asked. You nodded.

"Yeah, that's part of my job." You joked. "Well, that and they're also pretty interesting once you get to know them. Scarily life-like." You mumbled the last part a bit, but the girls picked up on it just fine.

"The chicken always stares at me, but she never does anything to attack me like I've seen her do with other staff. Maybe I should try talking to her?" Valerie asked, putting sauce and mozzarella cheese onto the now stretched dough.

"It's worth a shot." You suggested. "I remember her telling me that she thinks you're cool." You added at the end with a smile. She hummed thoughtfully.

"I've heard from anonymous sources that she's a bit of a schemer." Doll commented.

"They're all schemers. Me, Jeremy and Michael included. We actually have a new scheme that we're trying to plan out today." You admitted. It was action time, maybe you could convince them to get in on the scheme and thus get one of them to flirt with William. Except if they were both lesbian, that would be both unbelievably bad and unbelievably funny.

"What's the scheme about?" Doll asked.

"We're very good at keeping secrets!" Valerie added helpfully.

"Well," You started. "We're trying to figure out if William's gay or not the hard way!" You cheered. "Our hypothesis is that if he flusters easily when flirted with by a male, but not with a female, he may be gay. If he flusters with a female but not a male, he may be straight. If it's both then, well, hallelujah, or something." You explained.

"That sounds like it can very easily backfire." Valerie pointed out.

"But it's fun!" You counter-argued. "Oh-so very fun. I love being a little schemer."

"So, Mr. Mastermind, do tell me who you plan on getting to flirt with our boss?" Doll questioned with an interested smile.

"We don't actually have anyone yet." You revealed with a shrug. "We were hoping that we could pay one of our coworkers to do it, or Mangle was going to hire a male and female hooker and convince them to do it." You laughed. Doll and Valerie laughed as well.

"If he got flustered at you flirting with him, I think a hooker would send him into anaphylaxis!" Valerie chuckled. "But, hey, Doll, maybe you could help our new friend out? You're the conventionally attractive one. You already pull men en masse."

"Are you sure? What if I lose my job or something?" Doll looked over to her girlfriend.

"You hate working here, and I really don't mind. It's just for shits and giggles, after all." Valerie assured her with a kind smile.

"You really don't have to if you don't want to." You spoke up, wiping your hands on the back of your work shirt to dry them. "We'll probably find someone else some day."

"I'll think about it." Is the response Doll settled on. "Now go back to work, I'm sure that new guy is being trampled by kids right now and could use your help."

"Alright, thanks guys!" You exited the kitchen, internally patting yourself on the back for not only making two new friends but even possibly finding someone to go along with your crazy ideas. You made your way back to the main area, Doll being correct on her assumption that Jeremy was struggling to deal with the hoard of kids. You must've been lucky as you had just the right timing to see a kid fling a cupcake at Jeremy and it landing frosting-first into the back of his head.

You had nearly completely forgotten about the nightmares you had the night before. 

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now