After Hours

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You walked in the room, the scent of cologne filling your nose as you realized they both used the same one. The cologne was scented mahogany, and some other deep masculine scents you couldn't quite place but to be honest you could feel a slight headache forming as the smell burnt itself into your nose. It was nicer to smell when it was just a light thing lingering in the air in a radius around William. "Hi, I'm Henry, but you probably already figured that out!" Henry smiled, introducing himself. His smile was infectious and you found yourself immediately smiling back at the man. "I'm [Name], it's a pleasure to meet you Henry!" You informed the man, moving to sit down in the same chair you sat in when you were first called to William's office. Shocking to think that was only yesterday, it felt like it's been so much longer than that, but you digress.

"So, there's not that many resumes to get through so this shouldn't take so long. Most of the time will be because I want all three of us to thoroughly read through all of them so we can all get our opinions," William stated, picking up a neat stack of papers off to the side and placing them in the middle of his desk. He grabbed the top three papers, giving each person one. Henry and William immediately started reading the papers in their hands, so you started reading yours too. The guy was pretty uninteresting, and he seemed pretty unfit for the job. He was still in high school, a sophomore at some local rich people school, and from what he wrote in his resume was almost-decent at basic wiring stuff. You immediately decided he wouldn't be a good fit, plus his writing hinted that he was snobby in nature and you already have enough to deal with because of Toy Bonnie.

You passed the paper over to William, your hands brushing against his as he took the paper in his free hand not even looking at you. His hands were softer than what you were expecting causing a light blush to dust your face, man you really had to stop crushing on your boss you've known this man for two days. You should google how to stop crushing on someone on wikihow, not to get actual tips but because you wanna look at the advice it would have.

Eventually after a minute or two, Henry and William passed their papers down and you got a resume for a guy named 'Jeremy Fitzgerald', who was nineteen years old. He was fresh out of high school but he had already worked some apprentice jobs at places like car jobs and funnily enough helped fix a few robot issues at a run-down Chuck E Cheese that had to be shut down since all their patrons started going to the new Fazbear's you were currently employed at. He seemed to be pretty knowledgeable about the inner workings of robots, and was much nicer than the last guy. You doubted that anyone would be better than this guy but you still wanted to see, plus you don't think that Henry or William would appreciate it if you just gave them this resume all like 'This is the guy,' and left. You wish they wouldn't mind though, a migraine was starting to develop in the right side of your head.

Eventually, after what felt like years you had read all of the resumes. You were right in the end, as every other candidate seemed to be drastically under experienced and thus, Jeremy was hired! You really hoped he was nice. You walked out of the office after saying goodbye to the men, and a feeling of relief washed over you along with the scent of fresher air. Though, you still felt a bit weird? Awkward? You weren't sure what it was exactly but it was caused because of Henry. He was a nice guy and all, but he seemed to be watching you and William the entire time. You weren't sure why he was doing it, but it was very awkward and you'd rather forget it happened. Walking into the main party room, you waved at Toy Bonnie who was sitting casually on the stage. He waved back, yelling "Bye [Name]!" as you exited the building. You were met with the nice spring evening weather. A nice breeze blew through your hair, along with the scent of smoke.

You glanced to your right, seeing none other than the night guard you were acquaintances with. You believed his name was Mike? He noticed you staring, and waved at you, a cigarette hanging from his lips. "Oh, hey [Name], weren't expecting to see you leaving this late," He greeted, a slight smile on his face. You were able to steal a quick glance at his name tag, 'Mike Schmidt' engraved into the fake gold tag. "I stayed after to help the bosses look at resumes, why are you here this late?" You asked, shoving your hands into your pants pockets.

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now