The Beginning

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Just imagine Kathy as Emma, but to make it realistic, glam it down a bit... if you know what I mean... Also, imagine Nina, Eddie, and Anna with Black hair and black eyes. 'T'Preth' means 'actress', 'Alphard' is the name of a star, 'Aloran'  means 'beloved student, and 'T'Lan' means 'lady of rank'. Anyhow, enjoy people! Please review! xxx 

Katherina Marie Whitlock was walking down the halls of Star Fleet, humming to herself.  Her best friends, Chloe April Evans and Stacy Rose Anderson were not it with her, making her slightly uncomfortable. She continued to daydream, and was thoroughly excited to attend the first class of Vulcan Studies in her first year at the academy. The pointy eared elf- like beings fascinated her to no end. This was probably why her friends kept teasing her that she would get married to a Vulcan. 

Katherina, or Kathy, was part human, part Circian. Her mother was from Earth, and her father was from Circe. This planet was a neighbor of Vulcan. However, the two races despised each other thoroughly because of one simple reason- Vulcans purged emotion whereas Circians embraced it. She tucked a strand of her brown hair which had fallen out from her waist length plait, exposing her pointed years. And before anyone asks, no. she did not have pointy eyebrows.

Circians were people from Circe (obviously). They had a bit more strength than humans, but far less than Vulcans. They had pointy ears, and embraced emotions. For Kathy, this was a disadvantage, as her human half was quite dramatic, causing emotional outbursts many times. Many Circians had the ability to perform magic, and a select few had the ability to manipulate the elements. Because of her mixed blood, Kathy could do neither, thus being ridiculed.

Kathy continued to walk forth, completely immersed in la-la land, when suddenly, she bumped into a wall. 

"Shit", Kathy swore as she fell on her butt in a most unladylike manner. "That's the third time this has happened to me today."

A male voice cleared his throat, making her freeze. She looked up, seeing a commander's form looming over her. The first thing she noticed about him were his eyes; they were a rich shade of chocolate brown. She then noticed his pointy ears and slanted eyebrows. 

"Vulcan" Kathy muttered to herself, clearly not remembering that this species had heightened senses. The boy- okay, scratch that- the man in front of her raised an already slanted brow, effectively snapping the young cadet out of her reverie.

The 20 year old took a moment to comprehend the situation. She had bumped into this commander, who was quite hot and- never mind... She had also fallen, and made a fool of herself.

Cursing and blushing slightly, Kathy immediately shifted to a less awkward position and picked up her PADD, notebook, and pen. She stood up quickly, thorughly embarassed

"I- uh- I'm... ah,  I should have... um... s-seen w-where I was g-going" She stuttered out, blushing more under the gaze of the Vulcan.

"Apologies are not needed, Cadet-" The Vulcan began, before being cut of by the brunette. "Whitlock, sir. Cadet Katherina Whitlock."

"I shall request you to call me Professor, Cadet" Replied the Commander. 

"Okay sir- ah, I mean Professor..." Kathy mumbled, shuffling her feet while fixing her gaze on the ground.

"I assume that you require... help to reach your required destination?" The Professor questioned.  She shook your head rapidly, mumbling out a polite no.

"Good day Cadet Whitlock" He said, preparing to walk away. "Good day sir" she replied, preparing to leave in order to save herself from further mortification.

"Kit Kat!" Two voices exclaimed at the same time, eyeing a rather flustered Kathy. "We are late! C'mmon now, hurry up!" Chloe yelled, tugging at her arm. 

Stacy murmmered in agreement as she also yanked the cadet forward, making her squeak.

"What- did you just speak to Professor Spock?" Stacy squealed loudly, causing Kathy to hiss in annoyance at her. She saw her teacher stiffen at the mention of his name, and dragged her friends away, not wanting to embarrass the poor guy further.

After making sure that they were, according to her, at a safe distance from the attractive man, Kathy narrated the happenings to your two best friends. 

"OH MY GOD!!!" Both exclaimed at the same time, their shrieks being muffled by her hands. "Kathy and Spock sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!"

Kathy groaned loudly, covering her face in an attempt to conceal her blush. She was quite sure that she resembled a ripened tomato at the moment. "Stop it" She whined slightly, making the girls stare at her wide eyed.

"Did she just whine and blush?!" Stacy said incredulously. "Wow, you actually like him don't you?" Chloe remarked, smiling slightly.

"I- uh- what?! N-no, I don't" Kathy mumbled firmly, ignoring the kiss-y faces your friends were making. 

"Awwww" They cooed, pinching her cheeks. "Our little baby is growing up!!"

Glaring at her friends, Kathy stormed down the hallway, ignoring her friends' laughter. 

"Umm... honey, class is that way" Stacy said through giggle, pointing in the opposite direction. Kathy grumbled under her breath, gritting her teeth to keep herself from doing something rash.

She couldn't like man, especially her teacher who happened to be a Vulcan. She wouldn't.

Meanwhile, Spock entered his class,early as usual, attempting to delete the conversation the cadets were having about him. It was good to be on shore leave, and back at the academy, but all the attention could get a bit tiring for him at times. 

He saw Cadet Whitlock enter the class, followed by her two friends- Cadet Anderson and Cadet Evans, he believed their names were. 

A second later, the rest of the students shuffled in, giggling and chatting away to glory. Once they had settled down, Spock began to introduce himself, and spoke of what he expected from the class.

Spock concluded his lecture by assigning the students a homework- an essay on their views about the Vulcans. He felt that he was being too kind, but obviously the class thought otherwise. It wasn't hard to tell that the class was attempting to suppress their groans, minus a select few such ad Cadet Uhura, Cadet Whitlock, and surprisingly Cadet Anderson and Cadet Evans.

Spock left the class, completely oblivious to Kathy's discomfort and shock at him being the Professor for Vulcan Studies- her favorite subject.

Kathy knew that a Vulcan would take the class, and was praying to the gods (if they were real) that the teacher would not be Spock. But alas, The Fates just had to mock her and make him her professor. 

The brunette rubbed her eyes tiredly, her head throbbing slightly. This was going to be a long, long, year...

So, how is it? 

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