James T. Kirk

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Here's chapter 2! Hope you like it, please review!!!

"Kathyyyyyyyyyy" Stacy whined loudly, for the hundredth time. 

"What is it Stace, I'm trying to finish my hom- Would you stop poking me?!" Kathy said, shouting out the last part at Chloe, who rolled her eyes.

"We need to celebrate man, this is your first crush after all!!" Chloe said, smirking at Kathy's blush. "Besides, we don't have classes tomorrow till 11, 'cause it's Tuesday!"

"I- just- GAH! You girls are hopeless, so I'm not gonna even bother to put some sense in that sad excuse for a brain you two have" Kathy growled, making Chloe and Stacy burst into peals of laughter.

"Fiiiiine" Kathy dragged out. "Let me just finish the essay we got in Vulcan Studies, then we can go wherever you guys want me to go."

Her friends began to laugh again, confusing Kathy. "What" Kathy said cautiously, "What did I say?"

The girls continued to laugh, making the brunette huff and ignore her friends.

Time Skip

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go" Kathy said, adjusting her uniform and grabbing her and her friends' duffel bags. Stacy's jaw dropped, whereas Chloe sighed in exasperation.

"What- seriously?!" Chloe huffed out. Kathy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked at her reflection.

"I guess I'll just remove the lip gloss..." She muttered. Stacy threw her hands in the air in frustration and Chloe smacked her forehead.

"What an idiot" Chloe mumbled darkly, rolling her blue eyes.

"Just- you know what, forget it. Just come on now, we are getting late. Maybe next time we could give you some tips" Stacy muttered, her green eyes revealing the frustration that she had carefully hidden from her friends.

"Soooo..." Kathy trailed of, breaking the awkward silence. "Where are we going?"

Stacy sighed and Chloe smacked her forehead- again. She seemed to be doing that a lot these days... "Iowa." Both replied shortly. "A friend of mine works at a pub there, so we will stay overnight at her place." Stacy continued. "So, long story short, we're going to a pub, and getting our sorry asses drunk!" Chloe concluded. Kathy's golden honey brown eyes widened (A/N- just go with this color) comically, as she began to retrace her steps.

Both Stacy and Chloe's eyes also widened as they opened their mouths to say something. But it was to late.

Kathy bumped into a wall- again. She whirled around, her nose bumping into someone's shoulder.

"What the fu... fudge?" Kathy quickly covered up her slip of tongue. She peeked up, seeing that the person she had bumped into around the corner, was Professor Spock.

"Oh, um, Commander!" She squeaked out, standing straight after backing away to put some space between her and her senior.

The only response she got was a raised eyebrow and an 'I expect your essays in my office first thing in the morning tomorrow'.

Kathy let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, and and caught hold of her smirking friends' arms, dragging them away.

"Shut up shut up shut up..." She mumbled under her breath. "We didn't say anything!" The girls chorused innocently, making Kathy scowl.

"Yeah, but you were thinking." Kathy muttered. "And before you ask, no. I am not Edward Cullen."

This earned her weird looks from her friends. "You know, that sparkly disco ball type of bunny drinking vampire from a movie/book series called The Twilight Saga in the early 21st century?"

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