The Secret

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Okay people, this chapter has a major plot twist, so be prepared!

Kathy grumbled darkly as she stuck her hand out from the covers to grab her comm. Without bothering to see who it was, she switched it on and said, "Katherina Whitlock here, who's this?" "I need you in my office as soon as possible." Pike's voice came by. Kathy shot up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Ah, Captain..." She began, stuttering slightly. "I'll see you soon" Pike added gravely, before cutting the call. Kathy groaned and jumped out of bed, slipping on her slippers, stretching tiredly. 

A knock resounded suddenly, making Kathy grumble. She was certain that it was either Chloe or Stacy. Both had horrible memory and would have probably forgotten the password of the room. Kathy stormed up to the door and yanked it open, shouting, "Why can't you remember four god damn numb-" Kathy stopped immediately, gulping when she saw Spock at the door. "Ah, give me a second Commander" Kathy mumbled. "Would you want to, uh" Kathy said, gesturing at him to enter the room awkwardly. 

"Affirmative" Spock replied, making Kathy groan mentally. She grabbed her discarded uniform and went into the washroom, changing as soon as possible. She walked out five minutes later, and left the room with Spock. "The Captain wishes for me to escort you to his office" Spock said monotonously, breaking the silence. "Oh" Kathy replied, nodding her head, wondering what had happened. 

Within 10 minutes, Kathy was seated in Pike's office, wondering if she had done something wrong. She could not afford to be kicked out half way through the semester, after all her hard work. "Did you know that your father Alphard was the son of the  Ambassador of Circe to Vulcan?" Pike asked suddenly. Kathy's eyes widened. This information was new to her.

"I take it that you don't know..." Pike murmured. "Before marrying your mother, Alphard was married to the daughter of the late Ambassador of Vulcan to Circe." Kathy's eyes widened even more. "Her name was T'Lan, and she has now taken the place of her late mother as Ambassador" Pike continued gravely. 

"Hmmm... T'Lan meaning 'lady of rank'..." Kathy murmured absent- mindedly, making both Spock and Pike raise an eyebrow. "... Ambassador T'Lan had a daughter with your father, T'Preth." Pike looked directly at Spock, who was observing one of the medals with great interest. "... She then bonded with another Vulcan, who was later killed by pirates. She had a son with him, called Aloran."

"Aloran meaning 'beloved student', and T'Preth meaning 'actress'..." Kathy mumbled again, staring off into space. "Wait, what does the Commander have to do with this?" 

"Well, what Spock has to do with this shall be revealed later... no, don't tell us what his name means now." Pike said sternly, earning a smirk form Kathy. "It means 'resembling half of each other's heart and soul'" Spock looked at her curiously whereas Pike rolled his eyes. A moment of silence passed by.

"So, I have a half- sister and a brother of sorts?" Kathy said, breaking the silence. "Yeah... about that..." Pike muttered. "Your biological mother is not Ana Whitlock. Your biological mother is Ambassador T'Lan" Spock said carelessly, making Pike sigh. "Could you be a bit sensitive about it, Spock?" He grumbled irritably, eyeing Kathy, who sat still, with an unreadable expression. "How" She asked, her voice void of emotion.

"Your father fell in love with Ana after meeting her in Star Fleet.", Pike began before Spock could say anything. "The U.S.S. Kelvin had stopped near Vulcan for a short break when Alphard told the Ambassador that he loved another, and did not wish to be with her. He broke their bond using his magic, and left. What he did not know, was that T'Lan was pregnant with a baby girl. Later, all this was covered up by Vulcan and Circe Academies, and the daughter, after her birth, was given to Ana Whitlock, as Alphard had proposed to her minutes before the Star-ship was destroyed." 

"Well... that's quite messed up." Kathy said. "Poor kid. Who is she anyways? And why are you telling me all this?" "Cadet, you are the child that Pike mentioned" Spock said bluntly, making Pike throw his hands in the air in  exasperation. "Can you at least act like you're trying to not be insensitive?" "I do not see the point in elaborating the truth vividly, Captain" Spock replied, making Pike roll his eyes. "Spock's here to teach you the Vulcan way, and help you harness your emotions." Kathy stood suddenly, not showing emotion. 

"May I leave, Captain, Commander?" "If you need to talk to someone, I will be there" Pike said smiling sadly. "Good day, Captain, Commander" Kathy said as she opened the door with shaking hands and all but sped out.

Kathy walked numbly and aimlessly, the shaking in her hands not stopping. "Kitty!" Jim's voice floated by, as he ran a bit to catch up with her. "Why so sad?" Over the weeks, Jim and Kathy had become almost inseparable. So basically, Jim, Leonard Mcoy; aka; Bones or the guy who was snogging Chloe, Stacy, Uhura, and Kathy were a gang... of sorts. Kathy didn't look at Jim and made her way to the field, which was deserted. 

"Hey" Jim said, catching hold of her hand and lifting her chin up. "You consider me your brother, right? Then tell me , what's wrong?" "Kathy let out a sob. Then another. And another. And Jim looked at her in shock for a second, before fiercely hugging her.

"Tell me who made you cry and I promise you, he or she will pay!"

"N-No one d-did a-anything to m-me" Kathy stuttered.

She retold the entire story, sniffling a bit now and then "What the....." Jim whispered wide- eyed, making Kathy cry more. "No no no no, don't cry!" Jim exclaimed desperately, almost crying himself. "Shit", he muttered, before using his comm to tell Stacy, Chloe, Uhura and Bones to meet him in the field ASAP.

Stacy burst into tears as soon as she saw Kathy crying, because Kathy never cried. Like, never never. Uhura covered her mouth to stop herself from crying, upset to see her friend sad. Chloe's bottom lip began to tremble as swore to kill the person who made her sister cry. Bones had a similar reaction, and began to worry about Kathy, fearing that she was stressing herself too much. 

Jim retold the whole story, never letting go of Kathy. Everyone was thoroughly upset by now, and they engulfed Kathy in a massive group hug, shielding her away from the world. Even Bones and Jim shed a few tears, but no one commented on it then.

Meanwhile, Spock, who had realized how insensitive he had bean to Kathy, had gone to look for her. He watched the five friends, and felt the familiar feeling of sadness rise within him. He suppressed it immediately, and turned away. He did not require friends to survive. He walked back to his room, knowing that the cadet was in safe hands. He was curious about this entire ordeal, and decided to call his mother and then meditate on it for a while.

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