T'Preth is a fake Vulcan

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Here's another chapter guys, please review!!

The next couple of weeks were stressful for Kathy. She was hardly getting any sleep, and had now resorted to make to cover up her dark circles. She had fallen asleep in Vulcan Studies many a times. Initially, Spock hadn't said anything to her, making her think that he might not have noticed. Later, however, he warned her in a 'polite' manner, to get a grip of herself and not let her personal problems affect her academics. It was December now, and the academy had given the cadets a week off for Christmas break, even though Christmas was two weeks after the break. Christmas and New year were Kathy's favorite, and she couldn't help but smile. Moreover, she was happy that she could take a week off.

As the holidays approached, Kathy began to get more and more excited. Her friends were surprised at the sudden improvement, but decided to not ask her about it. Stacy was going to her boyfriend's place for the break that year, whereas Chloe was going to visit her dad, his new wife, and step siblings. Bones was going to stay back at the academy, as was Jim. Nyota had decided to visit a couple of her friends in Mexico, and was going to return a day before the break ended. Kathy, like Jim and Bones, was going to stay back at the academy.

Spock was, surprisingly, relieved to take a break for a week. He planned to speak to his parents and meditate, and go through the study material. He also wished to read the books his mother had given him. On the whole, Spock was determined to 'relax' and have 'fun. Well, as much fun as a Vulcan can have.

Kathy had forced Jim and Bones into getting a Christmas tree and its decorations, even though they had a lot of time for Christmas. Upon being questioned, she told them that she loved the festival, and that it is always celebrated with friends and family. And Jim and Bones, were definitely family. The two men were touched, but didn't say so. Now that brings us to what was happening now. Jim and Bones were walking down the halls of Star Fleet Academy, holding a giant Christmas tree and some decorations. Each of them had already purchased the gifts, and were thoroughly excited.

"Where's Spock's office?" A rude voice said. Kathy turned, startled. "Jim, Bones, could you keep the stuff in your room? I'll be there in a moment." They gave Kathy an are you sure look, eyeing the- Vulcan?! Wow, that was a major plot twist. Kathy nodded softly, sending the boys away.

"How may I help you?" Kathy asked politely. "Didn't you hear me the first time?" The woman rudely said. "Take me to Spock's office!" "Uh- ma'am, the Commander will not be in his office till around 8 o'clock"

"I don't care! I want to see him, now!" The woman all but shrieked. The Kathy sighed as she gestured for the woman to follow her. They reached Spock's office 10 minutes before 8. The lady was surprisingly silent.

"Nashaut Spock, ha'tha ti'lu" (Greetings Spock, good morning) She said in Vulcan. Kathy jumped when she heard Spock's voice from behind her, not understanding the language that well. "Nashaut, T'Preth. Po tu la'?" (Greetings, T'Preth. Why are you here?) Kathy frowned, unable to understand anything.

"Kosu Amanda, Kevetsu Sarek, heh ko-mekh ki'sarlah la' na' ein ar'kadan" (Lady Amanda, Ambassador Sarek, and Mother have come here for some work) The woman; T'Preth; said.

I think I know that name... Kathy thought. I seriously underestimated the complexity of this language... I can barely understand a couple of words.

"Ein vesht sarlah nash-vesh bi'k'au. Po Spock, tor tu ri istau nash-veh etwel?" (And I came along with them. Why Spock, do you not wish to see us?) She said with fake innocence. "Veling ha, T'Preth" (Of course yes, T'Preth) Spock replied.

Is it just me or does anyone out there wonder how Vulcans would flirt, and wish to see them flirt? Kathy thought to herself.


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