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Honestly you guys, I wont bore you by saying how much I love the characters and how every character's emotions affect me, because that's kind of obvious. I'm going to be precise.

First things first, this is NOT the end. There will be a sequel. But don't have high hopes guys, because I might not update frequently. Also, there will be no updates from January to around March. Just giving you guys a heads up so that you don't think I'm dead.

Now, moving on to the acknowledgements. I can never thank my friends, @trishasrt @13mansi and @losingxsanity enough for their constant support (even though my story SUCKED royally in the initial stages). I must thank them for not trying to murder me for my unhealthy obsession with Star Trek, Spock, and Zachary Quinto (I LIKE A GAY DUDE, SO WHAT??!!). If it weren't for them (and some special people who I will mention later), I would have deleted this story ages ago.

A massive thank you to my family, for being so bloody oblivious. Without you guys, I wouldn't be able to stay up till 3am updating the story, or fangirling over Spock and Zachary Quinto. Also, a big fat thank you to my little brother for being so innocent and believing literally any lie I come up with. I know, I'm tempting fate, but I seriously couldn't resist the urge to say this. I also need to thank them for not knowing how crazy and perverted I am, because if they did, they'll probably just dump me into the Ganga (for those of you who don't know what it is, GO GOOGLE IT) or disown me. Nah, I'm pretty sure that they'll disown me.

Also, last but not the least, a big, fat, humongous thanks to all those faithful and loving Star Trek and Spock fans out there. Not to sound narcissistic, but honestly, I had no idea that the praise I received simple fanfiction could give me so much happiness. It's more than what my family has ever done for me, so thank you guys so much. I will never be able to thank you all enough. Trust me, I'd hug every single one of you if I could. Wherever in the world you guys are, while you're reading this, just hug yourself. Done? Good. Consider that as a hug from me; it's a thank you for wasting your time on my trashy story :p.

So, fellow trekkies, Live long, and prosper.

All the love,




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