The Confrontation

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Here's another chapter folks! It's gonna be dramatic, so buckle up for the choppy ride! Oh, and I just realized, that Eddie is not that young, so yeah... here's a pic of him!!!

Kathy let out a loud yawn and stretched her body, sighing as her bones popped. She could hear Bones chuckle as he shook her lightly. "Wake up Kitten" He said with a smile. Kathy shot up, her hair tousled. "Hmmm....?" She mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She heard her comm beep, signalling a call from Pike.

"Captain" Kathy said after making herself presentable. "Cadet, in my office, now" Pike said sternly. Kathy frowned, standing straighter after hearing the seriousness in his voice. "I'll be there in 10", She said quickly, chucking the comm on Bones' bed. "Got to go man- wait, where's Jim?" Bones opened his mouth to answer her question, but was quickly cut off. "Actually you know what? Never mind. I do not want to know."

Pike sat in his chair, stroking his chin, deep in thought. T'Lan and T'Preth were standing in the room, along with a young Vulcan called Aloran. There was a knock on the door of the office, startling Pike out of his thoughts. "Come in" He said loudly, just as the door opened a fraction. Kathy walked in and shuffled her feet awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Katherina" T'Lan said without emotion, eyeing her daughter. "Uh- Nashaut, Kevetsu T'Lan, Kosu T'Preth heh kanlar veh. Uh- po tu wimish?" (Uh- greetings, Ambassador T'Lan, Lady T'Preth and young one. Uh- why are you called?) T'Preth scrunched up her nose in disgust, whereas the young Vulcan's eyes glittered with mirth. "'Po' is why" He informed her. "'Ra' is what. My name is Aloran."

Kathy blushed, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. "...Oh... sorry." "You may address me as mother, or ko-mekh, T'Preth as sister or ko-kai, and Aloran by his name or as brother or sa-kai." T'Lan said suddenly.

"Oh, yes ma'- I mean, mother..." Kathy said, quickly correcting her slip of tongue. "You need to learn the Vulcan way, my dear, and need to purge-" T'Lan began, before being cut of by Kathy. "Excuse me, mother but I shall not give up on emotion." Kathy said, forcing herself to be calm.

"I am your mother, you will do as I say" T'Lan said, not batting an eyelash. Pike glanced at a fuming Kathy, worried for her. "Biologically? Yes. But actually? NO! So you don't tell me what I'm suppose to do and what I'm not!" Kathy sneered, making T'Preth glare at her. "Listen , sister dear, you need to do as she says! She is our mother!"

"Oh, so she miraculously remembers this after 20 long years?! Well I'm sorry honey but I only have one mother, and she is back in Texas with her husband!" Kathy yelled, slamming her fist on the table. Pike got up and walked out of the room silently, planning to call the Commander and his parents.

"Calm down everyone!" Aloran said, raising his voice a bit. "You shut your mouth" T'Preth snapped at him. "If you think that I will let you speak like that with my brother, then you are mistaken!" Kathy yelled out, storming over towards T'Preth. "Children, sort this out once I leave. Katherina, I was, am, and shall always be your mother. Hence, you are to do as I say-" T'Lan began, her hand on the door handle, before being cut off by Kathy for the second time.

"You. Are. Not. My. Mother. Get that into your head" Kathy said icily. "My decision is final. If you want me back in your life, then you shall have to accept the fact that I will not purge emotion." T'Lan's eyes widened slightly, before she gave Kathy a curt nod and disappeared out of the door.

"Aloran has been my brother from when he was born!" T'Preth shrieked suddenly. "I don't care! That is no way to talk to your brother! And now that I am here, you will not do anything to him. Apologize, now." Kathy yelled out, slamming her fist on the table again, making a couple of papers fall. T'Preth became silent suddenly, making Kathy loose her temper as she slammed her fist on the desk agin, making her knuckles bleed. "Sister, please" Aloran said, attempting to calm her. "Don't come near me Aloran, I don't wanna hurt you" Kathy managed to force out.

"Say it!" Kathy yelled, while T'Preth began to try and calm her. "Please calm down, we love you." "That's what a Vulcan said", Kathy spat out. "You're an idiot to think that father ever loved you" T'Preth mumbled very softly; so softly that even Aloran couldn't hear her. But Kathy did.

"Why you piece of shit! " Kathy roared, lunging forward. The door opened just then, and Pike and Amanda rushed in, followed by Spock. Pike caught hold of Kathy as she struggled against him, letting out growls every now and then. Her golden honey brown eyes looked as though they were on fire and held pure rage.

"Kathy, are you alright? You are quite warm" Pike whispered worriedly, getting no response from the pissed of female. Amanda stood at the side, watching the scene unfold. Spock stood in front of T'Preth, facing Kathy. Their eyes locked for a second, both holding anger. "You have no right to speak in such a manner with my mate, Cadet."

Kathy felt a strange pang in her chest, but refused to think anything of it. "Of course, go on! Protect your dear mate even when she's wrong!" "That is not how you speak with a senior!" Spock said, his voice rising. Kathy snarled at him, struggling against Pike's hold. It was official now, she hated that pointy- eared bastard.

"Sister, please calm down. This is quite... disturbing for me" Aloran said softly. Kathy's head whipped towards the young Vulcan, as she relaxed a bit. "Your father wouldn't want you to be this way, he wouldn't want you to fight with your sister."

Kathy froze at that, completely immobile. Pike hesitantly let go of her, making her stumble a bit before regaining her balance. "I- I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry, Captain, Commander."

"I believe that you should apologize to my mate, not me" Spock said, still annoyed. "I now see why Ambassador T'lan mentioned your Mrs. Whitlock's up- bringing." That hurt Kathy deeply, and she turned towards T'Preth numbly, and mumbled a sorry. T'Preth fake smiled at her for a moment, muttering an it's okay. Kathy turned around and walked out of the door, head held high, hands at the back.

She was numb. Kathy decided to not show emotion in order to prove that her mother's up- bringing was perfectly fine. The next couple of days were bizarre. Jim and Bones were shocked at the sudden change in behavior, as were Stacy and Chloe, who they video chatted with. Pike was worried about the young female, and his worry increased ten- fold upon finding out from Bones that her brain activity (which was usually quite high) was higher than normal. This, according to the doctor, could only mean one thing, something had hurt Kathy enough to make her put that much of stress on her brain to change her entire behavior.

"Cadet" Spock called out, making Kathy turn towards him stiffly. "Commander" She stated, blankly staring at him. "May I make a personal query?" Kathy gave him a curt nod in response. "May I know the reason for your sudden lack of emotional response?" Spock asked, curious.

"So my mother's up- bringing is not that bad after all" Kathy said numbly, and walked away before Spock could say a word. Guilt hit Spock like a ton of bricks, as he realized the consequences of his words. "Spock? Honey, why do you look so guilty?" Spock's mother said, touching her son's shoulder. Spock immediately altered his posture and made his face blank. Amanda sighed. She hated how her son shut her out this way.

"It's Cadet Whitlock, mother. It seems that my words about her mother's up- bringing the other day have deeply affected her."

"Oh Spock" Amanda sighed, shaking her head sadly. "Come take a walk with me, and tell me everything on the way." Spock gave her a curt nod, and followed her down the hall way, telling her everything.

Phew, that was intense! Comment please!

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