Part 9 Your Party Part 2

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Tony- Natasha you spin first.
Natasha spins and it lands on Steve.
Tony- remember the rules you can do whatever you want in there.
We lock them in a closet.
Bruce- let's see if we can hear anything.
You put your ear on the door you hear talking.
Natasha- we can't do anything Steve I love Bruce
Steve- i-its fine, I get it we'll just talk.
After 7 minutes you open the closet. Bruce kisses Natasha straight away.
Bruce- I love you to.
Natasha- so you were listening.
Bruce- ye sorry.
Peter spins the bottle and lands on y/n.
Peter- umm
They lock you and Peter in together.
Y/n- Peter what was that.
Peter- I don't know you can't lie during truth or dare.
Y/n- you said you didn't know any of my secrets you lied there.
Peter- ok sorry but I meant it ever since you comforted me about MJ I can't stop thinking about me. Then when you said that secret it broke me.
Y/n- what really.
Peter- yes ok I said it. I won't stop I love you. I love you. I. Love. You.
You bang on the door you eyes begin to glow.
Y/n- let me out.
They open the door and see your eyes. You rush past them to your room.

After five minutes Wanda comes to your room. She knocks on the door "y/n?" She opens the door and the window is open and you aren't there. "NO." She rushes to the living room. "Wanda what's wrong" Steve says. She says nothing she goes outside to look for me. "Y/N" she looks everywhere then finds you at the back of the building training.
Wanda- hey.
Wanda- I'm not mad at all by the way we heard you through the closet door. You only cared about me.
Wanda- you know where I will be ok.
Wanda walks away. You sigh while punching a bag. You stay out there for 3 hours and your hands are bleeding.

Wandas pov

I walk back in through the front door. Peter tries to talk but I just make him fly away with my powers. I heard Peter scream in pain but kept walking. I walked back to my room. I have pictures of every avenger on my wall I rip Peter's picture of and start to cry. My knees felt weak. My heart went numb. I fell down to my knees and since I felt so weak it hurt like hell. I kept letting out bursts of my magic. Everyone heard me screaming and crying but I couldn't care Peter loves my girlfriend. As I thought that I realised no one knows why I'm so upset. Peter was the only one who knows about me and y/n. I went to peters room and smash his things up. After his room was a pile of ashes and dust. I have never felt jealous before this was all so new. I walked out his room wiping my tears. After I felt better I went into my room and laid on my bed alone sobbing silently.

Avengers pov

We all heard Wanda's screaming after she flung Peter.
Tony- Peter can you hear me.
Peter- yes Mr stark
Tony- good good ok keep breathing. Why is she so mad at you.
Peter- umm I don't know
Tony- I know you are lying kid tell me the truth.
Peter- ok fine but I can't tell everyone can I just tell you Mr stark.
Tony- ok fine come on I'll lift you away.
They are alone now.
Tony- so what's the deal
Peter- ok... Y/n and Wanda are dating.
Tony- oh and you kissed y/n
Peter- yes. But the worst part is I don't regret it I truly love y/n.
Tony- well you have to accept the fact she is with Wanda.

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