Part 14 Calm Down

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You walk down to the living room where everyone is except Wanda who just teleported to her room.
Tony- good to see your back y/n.
Y/n- thanks Tony and thank you for talking to my dad.
Tony- it was nothing really.
Natasha- you talked to Steve.
Tony- yes she didn't deserve to be locked up.
Natasha rolls her eyes and walks to her room. You see Wanda come down the hallway after watching Natasha walk of.
Wanda- hi Tony, Bruce, y/n and captain america.
Y/n- captain America?
Wanda seems uncomfortable and quickly changes the subject.
Wanda- I see you were let out that's great.
Y/n- ye I was thanks to Tony.
Wanda- great.
Bruce- Steve does Wanda still really have to call you captain America?
Y/n- why does she have to call him that?
Steve- she still has to yes.
Y/n- dad don't make her.
Steve's eyes flicker he is getting really mad.
Steve- it's Captain America to you to y/n now.
Y/n- what really.
Steve turns round and ignores me being mad at him.
Peter- it's fine y/n he is just getting mood swings.
Steve pins Peter against the wall by the throat.
Steve- it's not mood swings.
Y/n- wow deja vu.
You get Steve up in the air with your magic. Your eyes turn a dark red because it is so hard to hold him up. I guess he is a super soldier.
Y/n- captain stop now.
Steve- no I won't.
He says while struggling in the air. He tells that really got me mad so he continues.
Steve- just admit it you can't do this.
I start to tighten my grip in my fury of his words.
Steve- admit it y/n you will never be a true avenger.
My eyes turn a midnight blue. Steve looks at me knowing he is fucked.
Steve- someone help please.
I slam his body into a metal wall he goes right through it. I have heavy breathing. I've never felt this good this alive.
Bruce- you need to stop y/n he deserves it but you will kill him your to strong.
You ignore Bruce's kind words and start messing with his mind.
Steve- what why am I here.
Bruce- stop y/n.
Bruce gets so mad he turns into the hulk. He roars loudly that you can't control Steve's mind anymore. The hulk walks to me and picks me up.
Hulk- you need to stay calm.
I couldn't stay calm though a huge green guy was in my face. Wanda saw I was tense. She teleports onto hulks arm picks me up and teleports us both away to my favourite lake.
Wanda- hey y/n calm down ok you are fine.
I look at Wanda and my eyes slowly turn white. I saw she had white eyes to. Only us knew about what white eyes meant. It was safer then for when we were with the other Avengers.
Y/n- thank you Wanda.
Wanda kisses you and hugs you tightly.
Wanda- do you want to go back now.
You nod your head as you both teleport back.
Tony- I see you are calm now but what do those white both have mean.
You and Wanda look at eachother.
Wanda- we don't know what they mean sadly.
Y/n- yep we have no idea. How is d- captain America.
Steve- I'm fine and it's Steve to you and Wanda.
You smile at Steve and Wanda.

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