Part 46

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Peter- you're right we can't tell y/n we have to get Wanda back. They do love eachother.
Pepper- I'll gather everyone up and we will start to look but you look around the building now in case she just got out.
Peter- ok.
Peter runs out to look for Wanda and Pepper knocks on my door.
Pepper- hey sorry Peter had to go do some friend of honour stuff.
Y/n- ok thank you for telling me bye.
Pepper walks out and gathers everyone.
Pepper- ok Wanda got cold feet and she left out a window. We are finding her ok everyone look hang flyers do what you have to do.
Everyone agrees and goes outside to look.
Tony- Pepper can you hang back for a second.
Pepper- sure what's wrong.
Tony- I thought since we are here. We should renew our vows because things have been rough between us lately.
Pepper- I would love to do that Tony.
Pepper and tony walk up the aisle.
Tony- ok so here goes. I vow to make you breakfast in bed every Sunday morning. I vow to love you more everyday I am alive and I also vow to keep the romantic spark alive.
Pepper- wow tony. I vow to never run away again. I vow to wake you up to a bottle of beer everyday and I vow to always love you till the day I die.
Tony kisses Pepper.
Y/n- that was beautiful guys.
Pepper- oh thanks y/n.
Y/n- can you guys mabye help me write my vows to Wanda.
Tony- umm I can't I have to go talk to Steve but pepper can you.
Pepper- yes of course I can let's go y/n.
Tony runs out.
Tony- Peter Peter any luck.
Peter- no. I'm really worried for y/n.
Tony- I know kid I know.
Pietro- you guys need to find Wanda why didn't you tell me.
Clint- of course can you find her and bring her here.
Pietro- of course.
After one minutes Pietro runs back without Wanda.
Pietro- she said we had to come to her.
Pietro picks everyone up and brings us to her.
Bruce- Wanda why did you leave.
Wanda ignores him.
Natasha- you answer him Wanda!
Wanda ignores her.
Thor- Wanda why did you leave you love y/n.
Wanda- I do love her but I got scared.
Peter- please come back. Y/n will be heart broken if you don't.
Wanda- I want to come back now please.
Pietro- come on then sis I'll bring you.
Pietro lifts everyone up and brings them back to the wedding but when he is going he falls into a puddle. Pepper then comes out.
Pepper- Wanda!
She hugs Wanda.
Wanda- I'm sorry for leaving.
Pepper- it's fine Wanda you're back now.
They walk into the building.
Steve- I'm going to lock all windows.
Wanda- haha. very funny.
Peter walks back to my room.
Y/n- Peter why is your suit wet.
Peter- I slipped.
Y/n- put on a different suit ok.
Peter- ok bye.
Y/n- bye.

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