Chapter Four

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Third Person.
The tender kiss Santo had placed on her lips that night in her shop still lingered there as the next following week came about. Santo had been a ghost, he called and told her he was away on business.

Something sounded off about him. And it was stressing Iyesha out that she couldn't exactly place her finger on it.

Truth was Santo's father kept pressing the matter of this arranged marriage with the La Genta girl. Just to add more stress, his mother had fallen ill. Things were beginning to get hot in the streets, between the Italians and the Russians, the streets of Philadelphia were in shambles. Bodies were dropping like flies, ware houses raided. Santo just needed to get away to sort some things out.

But his sweet girl was on his mind. He couldn't get those innocent, scared eyes out of his mind.

Santo sat at a meeting with his father and another Italian Don, along with his son. Discussing none other than combining powers to take down the Russians. All of this was beginning to make Santo's head spin. Sometimes he wished he was never born into a mafia and was in line to inherit the title of Genovese the Don.

"I'm beginning to think you're fucking with me Ed."
Santo heard his father growl. And in the blink of eye Santo was covered in blood, gun in hand. Ed fell limp as he had just been shot between the eyes my Santo.

Ed's son went to pull out a revolver, but Santo was too fast. Father and son now laid out in a pool of their own blood, together. Kind of reminded Santo of him and his father. It was their fate.
"I've taught you well."
Giuseppe patted his son's back before standing to his feet and heading for the door.

Saint pulled his trench coat over his bloody white button up and followed his father out.


Iyesha Arden.

A knock on my door interrupted me from The Peaky Blinders. Romeo ran from the couch and went into hiding.
I shuffled towards the door, pushed my loose hair out of my face.

"Who is it?"
I looked through the peep hole, but I couldn't see who it was.

"Sweet girl, please open the door."
The sound of Saint pleading sent shivers down my spine.

Hurried I unlocked my door and his appearance rattled me, my hand went over my shocked mouth and the other yanked him inside of my apartment.

Blood, he was covered in the maroon splatter. His eyes looked sad and sleepy. The bags under his eyes confirmed it.
I placed my hand under his chin, examining him closer.

I didn't know what to do, I was too stunned to speak.

Girl get him out of those bloody clothes.

"Go into the bathroom. I'll be right there."
I grabbed a trash bag from my kitchen cabinet.

Entering the bathroom he stood in front of the shower, his eyes darted around the room. I sat the trash bag on the counter and helped him out of his heavy coat. I could feel his eyes on me, those cold hard eyes. I couldn't bring myself to look him in his eyes.

"I got it. Just please relax."
I placed his clothes and shoes into the Hefty trash bag and tied it tight.

There he was naked, just standing there. I tired not to think any naughty thoughts.

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