Chapter Twelve

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Short Chapter NOT EDITED!
Ignore Mistakes I'll correct them one day.

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Third Person
"Where the fuck is she?"
Santo whispered to Aiden. The ceremony was about to start and Iyesha had not arrived with the flowers yet.

As Santo waited for her arrival they only people that showed up were Aiden and Victor. Her body guards— two guards but not body.

Though she was supposed to bring them the day before, she called and asked if she could bring them the day of to make sure she had enough time to make them just right and to ensure that they were fresh. Her working from home definitely delayed her time since Mr. Genovese decided to close her shop against her will.

"I don't know! She just disappeared. Me and Victor looked away for a minute, a second even and then she was gone."
Aiden gulped, knowing he was soon to be a dead man.

"It is currently taking everything in me to not snap your damn neck. What do you mean you don't know where she is? Why are you here talking me? Go fucking her!"
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he took a deep breath trying to compose himself.

"You better find her before this ceremony is over or I'll make sure your wife doesn't have a body to bury."
Santo wanted to go out on his own and find Iyesha, but he couldn't do that. If he were to disappear from his own ceremony there would be too many questions asked and too many
witnesses if Santo decided to kill someone.

Aiden turned to leave, Victor following not to far behind.
"We fucked up."
Aiden whispered to himself, hoping she hadn't gone to far.

The room was damp yet dry, humid yet cold with a musky odor of mildew. Iyesha couldn't really remember what had happened in the last short hours. All she knew was that she had a massive head ache and that she would not see due to the blind fold around her eyes. Her mobility was limited due her hands and feet being zip tied together. She sat on the hard ground, trying to remember.

Then it hit her. On the way to deliver the flowers she and the guys had to stop for gas. Even though Aiden insisted that she stay in the car with Victor, she decided to go get her snacks herself. The two men were notorious for getting the exact opposite of what she wanted— it never failed.

"Victor will come with you."
Aiden insisted.

"No, I'll be right out. And plus I need a break from you two breathing down my neck— even if it is just for two minutes, a break would be nice."

As she entered the gas station she could feel that something wasn't right, but she rubbed it off as she had a habit of being paranoid for no reason. This time she had a reason. The gas station was empty thought she could have sworn she say a couple of cars outside. And it wasn't strange for a gas station to have dimmed window that blocked the reflection of the sun— often making it harder to peer into the store.

Before she knew it, just as she was about to head out and make her way back to the car— she was being dragged to the opposite side of the gas station and through the back door straight into a blacked out SUV.

She didn't even get a look at the perpetrator before she was knocked out cold with a blunt object.

So now she was here, in this musky mildew smelling room. She was scared, and hungry. Her hungry definitely outweighed her fear at the time.

"I really wanted to eat my chips."
She pouted before the door was opened.

"You were definitely not what I was expecting."
Walter hummed in amusement.

"I would say the same thing, but unfortunately I can't see you."
Iyesha shrugged.

"Fair enough. You'll be dead before you can tell the cops what I look like."
The blindfold was untied.

The two stared at each other.
"I was actually expecting you! An ugly, old, decrepit, white man, if that makes you feel better."
Iyesha gave him a smile.

"You bitch."
The back of his hand made contact with Iyesha's cheek with a firm smack, sending saliva from her mouth.

"You hit like a bitch."
Iyesha rolled her eyes and whispered under her breath.

"You know. If Santo was willing to risk his life for someone— I was expecting her to be atleast attractive. Or even close to the standard of beauty Italian men hold their women to."
Walter went on ranting.

"Awe, so you think I'm ugly?"
Iyesha pushed out her bottom lip, forcing another pout.

"You're a sassy black aren't you?"
Walter circled her on the floor, taking in her appearance.

He didn't not find her ugly infact. It actually angered him that he found her attractive.
"So that's a no?"
Iyesha cocked her eyebrow.

"Shut your mouth."
Walter gritted out, but Iyesha wanted to push him.

"Don't tell me that you think I'm attractive. Your daughter isn't the only one mad that I have her husband— so is your wife. That's why I'm here right? They're mad at me? And prove to them that your the man of the house and the man you claim to be— you kidnap me?

What kind of man puts his hands on a lady? You're not much of a man are you? You know what? You white men sure love black wome—"
Iyesha's rant was silenced with another slap, but this time it was harsher. He had busted her lip, causing blood to drip down her chin.

"Didn't I tell you to shut your damned mouth?"
Walter yelled and left the room with a slam of the door.


"Why are you so tense Santo?"
Gabriella grabbed his hand, but he snatched it away.

They sat at their sweetheart table, watching their people socialize and dance.

"Nothing, I'm fine."
He gave her a tight lipped smile. But Gabriella knew exactly why he was tense. She was such a stupid girl to think that none of this would blow up in her face.

She watched Santo make a slight connection in his head.
"Where is your father? He wasn't here to talk you down the isle."
Santo looked around, inspecting the crowd.

Gabriella smiled at him, hoping it would stop his questioning.
"Mother said he was feeling quite sick. He took a rain check."

Santo's eyes met Luciano's. They had always found a way to communicate with just eye contact— rather clearly.

Luciano sent him a curt nod and discreetly removed himself from the dining hall. The look Santo sent him gave him all the information he needed.

Find Iyesha, kill any and everyone that gets in your way— especially Walter La Genta and may, just maybe snap his daughter's neck and bury her beside her father.

Hope you enjoyed— until next time❤️.

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