18. Someone Like You

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I never knew such a simple kiss could make me feel the way I felt right then. He expressed such a desire and need to reconnect our lips in that moment, and it made me feel that I wasn't all crazy about the way he's been acting around me.

But what happened to the "No falling in love" rule? Is he still on that page and the kiss meant absolutely nothing to him? Was it just something he wanted to try or a spur of the moment kind of thing? 

The moment he let my mouth go, his forehead resting on mine while he hands remained wrapped around me, it felt like he transferred some of his warmth unto me. For just a moment I felt full and radiant because of one simple kiss.

But then I fell back into that fearful and paranoid state because of the last few weeks. 

I wanted to tell him thank you again, I wanted to express how grateful I am for him saving me back in that park. For saving me in the alley and making sure I wasn't hurt after the helicopter attack in The Queens Report.

I wanted to tell him that no matter what happens, I've got his back because he hasn't failed yet to have mine. I wanted to make him smile and laugh, even make him forget that Black Cat even existed because I'm here. So, I guess I am jealous of her after today.

But most of all I want to climb on top of him, completely ignore the pain in my body, and reconnect our lips and just let us be. That's what I really want. I think that will make all of it complete.

Before I could even say anything, he pulled his body completely away from mine, standing up and walking to the kitchen and turning off the oven. He pushed his arms on the counter, leaning against them while he said nothing. 

He's acting absolutely normal, like a heated kiss between us hadn't even happened. And that disappointed me a little.

Sure, I have a crush. A funny, real-life, without all of the drama, schoolgirl crush. The kind that makes me blush just when he enters the room, the kind that makes me antsy just to talk about him in fear that he'll walk in and make me forget what I was saying. Even the kind that somehow, when he says anything, all of the evil goes away. A Peter Parker crush, not Spider-Man.

"Do you want to come with me to May's in an hour?" May? His aunt? He's turned to me now from the kitchen, and I'm still stuck in my sitting position from my daze. 

"W-what time is it?" I realized I didn't even know if it's the same day still. 

He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the counter. "Almost seven. You were asleep about eight hours. It's still Monday, if you're wondering."

I was, actually. "U-uh sure," why am I stuttering? "What for?"

He smiled lightly, still in his same position. "Dinner. She invited me but she's been dying to meet you."

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