24. Caught In The Act

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It's Saturday now. Days have passed since Peter and I's fight, and I haven't heard a single peep from him.

No texts, no calls, no notes, and most definitely no seeing him at home. 

Not that he really said much after my Black Cat remark anyways. He passed it off as them hardly even being friends, but I have a sneaking suspicion that she's a big reason that he's been Spider-Man more than himself lately. 

I mean hey, if she's what he wants then so be it. But it definitely still sucks for me. 

Flash called me about an hour ago asking if I wanted to go out for dinner as "work buddies". I originally was going to say no, but I know for a fact that Peter's out with his superhero girlfriend, so I said yes just to tick him off. 

And because I'm admittedly jealous and have this sinical urge to make Peter feel the same way. 

It's wrong, and I know it is. But he knows how I feel about him and Black Cat, about how much I like him and yet he's still constantly around her. He knows for a fact that she's got a thing for him just like I do, and yet he doesn't do anything to change what he's doing. 

But at the same time, what do I expect? A relationship? He already told me he doesn't want one. I made it very clear to him when we had the whole 'let's be friends' discussion that he can't have me as both. He's not allowed to play with my feelings while simultaneously have me as a friend.

And he chose friend over anything more.

And that's perfectly fine, just aggravating when I see him on TV with the same white-haired princess every time.

Which is why I'm wearing my prettiest casual dress, a long, fitted coat over it to match, and a shiny pair of heels for this dinner. It's not a date, but I'll be damned if Peter doesn't think it is.

It's a good thirty-minute walk from here, and I'm okay with that. I've done it in these heels before, which is why they're so broken in and comfortable compared to my other pairs.

Sure, it's just a friendly dinner. But Flash wants to go to one of the finer restaurants in New York, and I have a suspicion that it's because he has a small crush on me. 

I finished my simple makeup and straightened my auburn hair, making me realize how much I really need a trim. Whenever I have time bouncing between my new job and this new super handsome man I'm living with, I'll go get a trim.

But for now, I'm left with going to dinner with a "work buddy" and trying to make said super handsome man jealous so he admits his feelings for me.

Is it toxic? No, I don't think it's reached that standard. But is it dirty? Yes.

I double checked the apartment, making sure Peter really is gone and locked the door behind me, beginning my twenty-to-thirty-minute walk towards the dinner place.

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