Trevor and Roommates

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"I'm Felicity," Felicity introduced.

"You have a great choice in books," Trevor told her.

"Thanks," Felicity thanked. "It's how I escape. That and music."

"Really?" Trevor questioned. "Well, what kind do you like?"

"Rock music, 80s, 90s, early 2000s, and some EDM."

"Same! Would you like to hear this music I recorded from the last time I went out?"


Trevor took out his phone and played the music from the last dj he listened to. They both listened to it.

"That's awesome," Felicity said.

"I agree with you."

Felicity smiled at him.

"Can I trust you with a secret?" Trevor asked.

"Sure. It's not like I talk to much to anybody."

"I'm trans."

"Wow," Felicity said. "That's so cool."

"You don't think it's weird?"

"Nope," Felicity began, "It's who you are. You can't judge someone for who they like or how they identify. That's not fair towards anybody. I judge based off of personality. You could've walked in here being an asshole and just ignored my existence like most adults. But, you came in and talked to me instead of just telling me to get up and point to where I will be staying. Your personality is amazing and I love that."

Trevor smiled at her. "I wish all people thought like that."

"Me too."

"Anyways, if you don't mind me asking, what is your sexuality and identity?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm demisexual and my pronouns are she/her."

"I think that's cool," Trevor said. "Anyways, I do have to show you to your room, so follow me."

He got up and she stood up too. He led to her through the hallway to one of the back rooms and to the right. He opened the door and there were two beds.

"So, I have a roommate," Felicity thought. "Don't know how to feel about that but okay."

She placed her stuff down on the non-taken bed. Her roommate apparently had a thing for Zac Efron. Felicity couldn't exactly blame her, but it wasn't her cup of tea. She preferred Daniel Radcliffe and Benedict Cumberbatch.

"I'll see you late, Felicity."

Felicity waved at him. She got some of her stuff out and placed it around the room. Her roommate walked in just as she was finishing.

"So," she said. "You must be my new roommate. Well, I'm Phoebe."

The girl didn't seem much older than Felicity. Maybe one or two years older, but now much. She wore heavy eyeliner and had blonde hair. She wore an Imagine Dragons t-shirt with black jeans. Phoebe stuck out her hand for Felicity to shake.

Felicity shook Phoebe's hand. "I'm Felicity."

"Cool. Random question but how do you feel about rock music, specifically Green Day?"

"I can't get enough of it," Felicity said honestly. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, because I like to constantly to annoy the people who work here. They absolutely hate Green Day."

"But Green Day is one of the best!"

"I know!"

They continued their conversation until it was time for them to eat. So, they got their food and talked even more.

"I've been here for the past four years and I'm fifteen," Phoebe told Felicity.

"That's insane. I've been here a few times. My parents weren't the best."

They walked back to their room and changed for the night.

"They usually say lights out at nine, but we can continue to talk and pretend to be asleep if they check on us."

"Alright," Felicity agreed.

SO, they talked until two in the morning, even though they had school the next day. Phoebe even taught Felicity the basics of Poker.

"Good night, Felicity. I enjoyed talking to you."

"Same, Phoebe. And, goodnight to you, too."

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