Filler Chapter

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"You know," Phoebe stated, "sometimes, I really hate that I'm older than you."

"Aw, why?" Felicity asked as they walked to school.

"Because we don't go to the same classes," Phoebe stated. "If we went to the same classes, we could sit with each other and help each other with assignments. We don't see each other except for lunch."

Felicity chuckled. "If it helps, sometimes I wish I was older. I don't like the kids my age. They're all immature idiots."

"True that," Phoebe laughed.

They walked to their school and separated to their classes.

*Meanwhile (Madison is grappling with the fact that not every issue can be settled by committee)*****

"No fucking way," Ian said. 

"What is it now?" Mickey asked.

Ian passed the newspaper to Mickey.

"Read the top paragraph on the left."

Mickey scanned over it.

"Elliot Murphy has been arrested for DUI and drug use," Mickey said. "What does that have to do with us?"

"Keep reading."

Mickey read further.

"His daughter, Felicity Murphy, has been put in child protective services."

Mickey looked at Ian.

"Blue's Clues got put in foster care?" Mickey asked, more to himself than Ian.


"Ian," Mickey began. "You remember your talk the other day about children and stuff. I think this is our opportunity."

"Are you completely sure?" Ian asked. "It's a long process."

"I'm sure Ian." Mickey answered. "You and I both know that children over the age of ten usually don't ever get adopted or even get a decent family. If they do, it's a rare coincidence. We've both been there, Ian. I don't need Felicity going through that. She doesn't have a mom and her dad just got arrested and her closest relative is in California right now."

"I agree with you, Mick, but how do you know all of this?"

Mickey sighed. "She told me when I wrapped her wounds the first time. She hasn't had a good life. And we both know that the cut on her leg wasn't her being clumsy."

"I know," Ian said. "Alright, we'll go tomorrow to start the process."

"Okay, Ian."

Mickey kissed his husband. 

"I love you," Mickey said.

"I love you, too," Ian said.

********Back to Felicity*************

Felicity was two seconds from falling asleep in her Spanish class. She knew it was an essential class, but it was boring. Felicity couldn't wait for English class to start. They had a new book to start today.

Someone tapped Felicity on the shoulder and passed her a note. She read it.

"So, do you have anymore product?"

She wrote back, "Sure, what do you like?"

"A five page one-shot between Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood would be great. I would prefer it to have some hurt/comfort."

"That's one of my favorite ships. Of course. I can get it to you by tomorrow at eight a.m."

 She passed it back. The kid tapped her on the shoulder.

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