Svetlana Meet and Greet

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There was a knocking on the door.

Felicity had been with Mickey and Ian for a month now. She really liked it. She didn't have to walk to and from school anymore, courtesy of Ian. They watched movies together and played Uno together. When they were feeling bougie, they went to the Goodwill up the road from where they lived. If Felicity was lucky, they went to Starbucks.

Felicity heard the door knocking.

"Is anyone going to answer the door?" she yelled/asked.


Felicity huffed and put down her book. She put it under her arm and opened the front door.

Felicity saw a woman standing there. She had brown hair and was of average height. She was holding a child.

"Who are you? Where Mickey?"

"I'm Felicity and Mickey, I believe, is upstairs."

"Are you new Gallagher?"

"Kind of. Would you like to come in?"

"Yes, thank you."

Svetlana walked in the door and placed Yev down.

"Dad, Svetlana is here to see you," Felicity yelled to Mickey.

"That's a beautiful name by the way," Felicity told Svetlana.

Svetlana smiled at her. Felicity then just stood there awkwardly while they waited for Mickey.

"What you do for fun?"

"I like to read and play the guitar or violin, though I currently don't have either right now. I like to listen to music and hang out with my friend Phoebe."

"So you smart kid?"

"I would say so, yeah."

"Can you speak other languages?"

"Yeah, actually. I learned Russian because I was bored one time. I do Spanish at school."

"Same something in Russian, please."

"Alright," Felicity said. She cleared her throat. "у тебя очень красивые глаза." (Translation: You have very beautiful eyes.)

"Спасибо." (Translation: Thanks.)

Mickey walked down the stairs at that moment. He found both people in a conversation in Russian.

"You do realize no one knows what the fuck you're saying."

Svetlana glared at him.

"мужчины идиоты," Svetlana said. (Translation: Men are idiots)

Felicity nodded her head. Mickey took Yev from Svetlana. Yev looked up and saw Felicity and her bright blue hair.

"Who you?" Yev asked.

"I'm Felicity, your new sister."

"Papa talk bout you," Yev told her. "You're pwetty."

"Aw, thank you. And you're one very handsome little guy. Now, you wanna go play?"


"Superheroes sounds awesome."


Yev reached out to Felicity and Mickey gave him to her. She took little Yevgeny upstairs to play.

"She good kid," Svetlana inquired. "Very lucky."

"Yeah, she wasn't in the greatest situation before."

"I mean, you're lucky to have her," Svetlana said. "She smart and talented. Very unlike you."

"Gee, thanks."

"I gotta go," Svetlana said. "V waiting on Kev and me. She making dinner."

"Well, go on. Go impress your wife."

Svetlana went out the door.

Mickey sighed. He heard excited yelling coming from upstairs. He walked up the stairs and to Yev's closed door.

"You'll never defeat me, Spiderman. I have these cool robot arms that will defeat you. I'll take over the world."

"No, you won't," Yev said. "Doctor Octo never win. Spiderman use webs."

Mickey smiled as he heard Yev make little shooting noises.

"Oh, no. You got me."

He heard Yev start to giggle.

"This isn't over, Spiderman."

Mickey walked back downstairs and turned on the soap opera he had started to love.

"But, EJ, I never meant to cheat on you with Lucas!"

"Oh, bullshit," Mickey said. "You wholeheartedly meant to cheat on him because you did it twice. Twice! Not to mention that every time you get a new husband or boyfriend, you always cheat on them with Lucas. Honestly, I would've just stuck with this EJ. Tall and with a British accent. I'd threesome with that."

The scene switched to another scene.

"Do not get me started on you, Kate. You've been with every man in the town. You were with a dad and two of his sons. Work on yourself, woman. You don't need a fucking man to be successful."

Ian walked through the front door.

"You've become quite the housewife, Mickey," Ian joked.

Mickey flipped him off. "Don't expect me to start making dinner every night for you."

"Wouldn't dream of it. Speaking of which, Debbie wants us over for dinner tonight."

Mickey scoffed. "Did she get knocked up again?"

"No, Mickey. Siblings can be nice to one another without anything in return."

"That's the literal opposite of siblings, Carrot Top."

Ian sighed. "I'm gonna go change."

Ian walked upstairs and heard silence, which was weird. Wasn't Yev supposed to be over today?

He walked to Yev's room and opened the door. Yevgeny and Felicity were unconscious on Yev's racecar bed. Ian took out his phone and took a picture of his two kids. He closed their door and went to his room, where he changed and sent the picture to Mickey.

"What the fuck, Firecrotch? We literally live in the same damn house."

He picked up his phone and saw the picture of his two very beautiful kids. Now, if you would've told teenage Mickey that he would be married to Ian with two kids, he would've told you to go fuck yourself before kicking you in the balls. But now, Mickey was as happy as he could ever be.

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