Health Checks and Home Inspections

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When Mickey and Ian did their background checks, they barely asked about their time in prison. When they did, Ian answered with the "we regret our choices we made back then, but we are turning over a new leaf." They mainly asked about Ian's mental health. They asked about how long he's been on the medication and how long has Ian known he's been bipolar.

It honestly pissed Mickey off. They can give children to abusive parents but they might not even consider letting them take a kid in because Ian is bipolar? That's a load of crap.

Now they were doing the health exam.

"I haven't been to a doctor in years," Ian said.

"I haven't ever been to one," Mickey replied.

"Wait, really?" Ian said. "What about if you caught the flu or something?"

"My mom at the time would try to get the medication needed. When she left.... my dad didn't care. I almost died from pneumonia one time. I was put in the hospital for a while."

Ian stared at him. "How old were you?"


Ian was shocked. They walked into the building and signed themselves in.

"Now, we have to wait."

And waiting they did. They waited an hour and a half to be seen. They did the normal check-up things, like checking weight and blood pressure. Because they were gay men, they had to be asked about protected sex and AIDs.

"We don't have AIDs," Mickey said. "We promise you that. We haven't had any symptoms of any kind of disease."

They went over Ian's bipolar disorder.

"Are you taking the pills everyday?" the doctor asked.


"Do you need any kind of refill?"

"No, we just got the prescription refilled," Ian responded.

"Are your immunizations up to date?"

Mickey and Ian looked at each other.

"I'll be back," the doctor told them. The doctor left the room and checked the paperwork for the shots they needed. He came back and gave them the shots.

"You two are good to go."

The doctor left the room and left them with the paperwork.

"We did it," Ian said.

"It's just a health check," Mickey said. "This test was the only test I was confident on."

"It's still exciting," Ian said. "We're financially stable, we're healthy, we passed the background check, and we've completed twelve of the hours of training we need."

"We've got this done in two months," Mickey said. "We have about two more to go."

"Next week, they do the home inspection."

"We've got to clean up the house, make sure we don't have any kind of drugs in there, and set up a basic bedroom."


"I'm not doing it all by myself, Firecrotch," Mickey retorted. "You can help clean that place and search for any bad item we may have. I'll set up the bedroom and clean the rest."

*****One Week Later******


"What you'd do this time, Mick?"

"I accidently hit my head on the fucking metal of this bed!" Mickey yelled.

"Ahh, ever the poet, Mickey. You could be the next William Shakespeare."

Mickey flipped him off.

"You could get down here and help me," Mickey suggested.

"I thought that was your job," Ian retorted.

"I require help you asshole," Mickey said. "Now, get down here and help me. Please."

"Begging now, are we Milkovich?"

Mickey gave him the death stare.

"Alright, I'll help."

It took fifteen more minutes for them to put the bed together because they were arguing on which piece goes where.

"I do not remember Yev's bed being this hard to put together," Ian said.

"That's because it was smaller than this one."

They then made up the bed. The day before, both of them had painted the room a teal color. It was the only one the two could agree on. One of them wanted orange and the other did not like orange. They wanted a red but the store was out.

"I'm telling you, Ian, we should get blue. She likes blue. I mean, look at her hair."

So, they decided on teal. The two also put together a dresser together for her and some shelves. For now, to please the home inspector, they put gender neutral bed sheets on the bed.

"Now that this is done with," Mickey said. "Is the rest of the house decent looking?"

"Yes. Everything is clean and tidy. It just needs to stay that way until tomorrow."

*******The Next Day*********

"Look, I know I shouldn't be freaking out but I am."

"Mickey, we'll be fine."

Mickey threw on a button-up shirt that he owned with a nice pair of pants that he owned. Ian put on something similar. They were just waiting for the inspector and the social worker to come over. Mickey was pacing the floor and Ian was watching him do so.

"What if it isn't good enough? What if we're not qualified?"


Ian stood up and put his hands on both sides of his husband. He brought him into a hug.

"We'll be fine."

There was a knock at the door. Both of them went to answer it and found a small woman standing outside.

"Hi. You two must be Mikhailo and Ian."

Ian smirked at the way she used Mickey's full name. Mickey hated it when people used his full name.

They both shook her hand.

"I'm Katherine and I'll be inspecting your home today."

They both nodded and let her in. She started looking around the house and through the cabinets to see if they had the necessary supplies needed to sustain life.

It honestly felt like a drug raid to Mickey.

The woman was marking things off on her clipboard. Mickey was nervous as hell and Ian noticed. Mickey's nervous ticks set in. He scratched his head, licked his lips constantly, and the lip bite. Ian reached for Mickey's hand and held it. Mickey calmed down a little.

"Do you mind if I go upstairs to look around?" Katherine questioned.

"No, not at all," Ian told her.

She walked upstairs and looked through the rooms. They had a first aid kit in the bathroom along with all the basic supplies. It seemed nice. Katherine had seen worse in foster homes.

She walked back downstairs and faced Ian and Mickey.

"I've got to get this processed, but I think the odds are in your favor. Everything looks nice."

Mickey sighed with relief.

"When will the social worker be here?" Ian asked.

"He's not coming today. Called out of work sick."

"Oh, alright."

Katherine left and Mickey closed the door.

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