Dinner at the Gallaghers

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"Do I have to go?" Felicity asked.

"Yes, Fliss," Mickey said. "You have to go. You have to meet your aunt and your uncles."

"I really don't want to. It's crazy over there. I would rather stay in my room, curled up in my bed, and reading a book. I don't want to waste my social battery."

"You don't have a social battery," Ian remarked, making Mickey snicker.

"I do too," Felicity defended. "It's just usually at zero. If I go, it's going to be in the negatives."

"We have to go," Ian said. "We don't want to disappoint Debbie."

"The one who technically raped a guy and then lied to another one to get pregnant," Felicity murmured under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. I'm going."

Ian picked up Yev as they left to go out the door. Felicity grabbed The Perks of Being a Wallflower on the way out.

They walked over there to the Gallagher house.

Mickey walked at Felicity's pace while Ian was ahead. "If it helps, I don't want to go either. I'm probably going to drink all the wine I can get to deal with their asses."

Felicity laughed quietly. They arrived in five minutes and Liam was standing outside.

"You made it!"

"That we did," Felicity groaned.

"Don't you talk to your uncle that way," Liam joked.

"The fact that I'm older than you and you're now technically my uncle is so fucking weird."

"Language, Fliss."

"Dude, you don't have any room to talk, Mickey," Felicity said. "I heard you tell Ian that you're waiting on him to stick it up your ass as a favor for getting the groceries."

Ian's eyes went wide as he choked on his own spit. Mickey was giving her the death glare. If looks could kill, Felicity would be dead by now.

Liam awkwardly led the way inside. 

"Ian!" Debbie exclaimed. "You made it!"

"Took you long enough," Carl said, earning an elbow to the ribs by Debbie.

Frannie ran into the room.

"Uncle Mickey!"

She ran to Mickey and hugged him. Ian placed Yev down so he could play with Frannie.

"Can we play Liquor Store Robbery?"

"You bet we can."

Mickey was dragged off, leading Felicity and Ian to stand in a weird silence.

"Imma," Felicity said and pointed in the direction that Mickey went. She started walking that way.

"Where's Lip?" Ian questioned.

"He's out running an errand," Carl inquired. "He'll be back."

Ian sat down at the table. He could hear the kids screaming in the next room. He could hear Mickey screaming in the next room.

Felicity soon came back and sat next to Ian. Her eyes were low and she reached out to touch Ian's hand. It was her way of telling him that she was tired or nervous. In this case, both. Ian taught her to do this. He always did it with Mickey.

Ian held Felicity's hand as a way of telling her, "It's okay. We'll talk in a minute."

Felicity slowed her breathing down a little bit. It was comforting.

Debbie soon stopped talking to pick up the phone to call Lip to grab some wine for the dinner.

"We'll be right back," Ian said as he got up with Felicity to walk outside.

As they walked out, Ian knelt to Felicity's level and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Ian picked her up.

"I know it's overwhelming," Ian soothed.

"Just a little."

"I get this way sometimes, especially around new people," Ian told her.

Felicity just placed her head on Ian's shoulder. Headlights eventually shone at the house and Felicity patted Ian's shoulder to put her down.



They hugged each other as Lip approached.

Lip turned to Felicity. 

"You must be Felicity," Lip said. "I've heard so much about you."

"Likewise," Felicity said. "You're, like, Ian's favorite brother."

"Really, now?" Lip said as he looked smugly as Ian.

"And you just got moved down a notch," Ian said to Lip. "My favorite's now Liam."

They walked back inside, just in time for dinner to be finished. Liam and Carl were setting the table. Debbie was calling people to sit at the table.

"Lemonade?" Debbie asked Felicity.

"Yes, please."

Felicity sat down next to Mickey who was sitting next to Yev, who was sitting next to Ian.

"Let the feast begin," Felicity joked.

Debbie had made chicken alfredo, a fan favorite. Everybody tucked into their food.

"So, Felicity," Carl started. "I heard you were a Marvel nerd. What's your favorite movie?"

"Oh, Thor Ragnorak. Hands down. Underrated film if you ask me. Age of Ultron is pretty good, too."

"Interesting. Who's your favorite Avenger?"

"Out of the originals, I would have to say Hawkeye. In general, probably Spider-man or Bucky."

"That's cool. My personal favorite is Captain America," Carl said.

As they talked, Felicity became slightly more comfortable. Not much, but it was a small amount. Carl was still slightly skeptical. 

Mickey drank three glasses of wine and was two seconds from talking about his sex life when Ian got up and told everyone that they were leaving.

Felicity was the one to pick up Yev while Ian was having to carry Mickey. Mickey was currently screeching out song lyrics.

"Oh, here she comes! Watch out boy, she'll chew you up! Oh-Oh, here she comes! SHE'S A MANEATER!"

Felicity was dying in the background and she singing, too.

"Do not encourage it, Felicity."

By the time they reached their house, Yev was asleep and Mickey was singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

"They played it at our wedding, Ian," Mickey argued.

Ian was unlocking the door and Mickey fell down as soon as the door opened. Felicity stepped over him and walked up the stairs to lay Yev down.

"I wove you, Fwissy," Yev whispered.

"I love you, too, Yev."

Felicity kissed him on the head as she heard Ian lay Mickey down. Felicity turned on Yev's nightlight and closed the door to his room.

"Hey, Fliss," Ian said. "You did great today."

Felcity smiled. "Thanks. You did, too."

"Goodnight, Felicity."

"Night, Dad."

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