The 98 Part 3

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"Not a stranger in sight. It's beautiful" said Rosa.

"I've never heard the printer sound so happy" said Amy. "I feel like it knows."

"We did it. A new world. This must be how the founding fathers felt" said Terry as Holt opened the door onto the balcony. followed by Gina.

"So... What are you doing out here?" asked Holt.

"Captain, it's mayhem in there. Those people are messy and selfish" said Terry.

"And chatty" Rosa added.

"And out here, we can actually get work done" Terry explained.

"But - " said Holt.

"Sir, I'll handle this" said Gina. "We love it. We're so proud of you. We want in."

"No. You're acting like little children playing basketball who've fallen behind by several two-pointer buckets so you just take your basket home, and now no one else can play" said Holt.

"I know it's not the time, but you gotta watch basketball if you're gonna try reference it" said Terry.

"Sergeant, this is boorish behaviour. I wanted you to be a good host" Holt said.

"You told me to make it work, and I came up with a creative solution. Diaz finished her arrest reports. Santiago did the filing of ten men. L/n finally solved that murder case after three weeks" Terry said.

"I don't want to hear it. Just clean up this mess and get back inside" Holt said.

Holt walked back inside the building. The printer started beeping.

"Paper jam" said Amy, horrified. "It does know."


"Get back here, you crap basket" said Jake, chasing Stevie through the precinct.

"Help! He's attacking me for no reason!" said Stevie, pointing at Jake.

Jake tackled Stevie and knocked him to the floor. Everyone in the bullpen gasped.

"Stevie Schillens, you have the right to remain..." said Jake.

"A loser" said Charles.

"Noice" said Jake.

"But, now legally, I have to start over, Charles" Jake said, turning to look at Charles.

"Stevie Schill - Oh!" said Jake as someone from the 98 knocked him off Stevie's back.

"Get off him. We just made up" said Charles, pulling the guy off Jake.

Another guy from the 98 tacked Charles to the floor as Jake got up.

"Paul?" asked Charles. "I thought we had something."

Multiple fights broke out amongst the 99 and the 98. 

Amy was choking the man with the dog. "Hope your dog will help with neck pain."

"Oh! She doesn't help with any pain. I made it up!" said the man desperately.

"Ha! I knew it!" said Amy triumphantly.

"Hey, Ellen" said Rosa as Ellen walked past her desk. "I got your farm girl."

"You wouldn't!" said Ellen.

Rosa smashed the farm girl on the floor.

"Bessy!" said Ellen.

Y/n 'accidently' threw her coffee at her desk partner from the 98. 

He immediately grabbed some wipes from the desk and tried to clean the stain, but y/n hit him in the stomach.

"Terry got his computer back" said Terry, running through the crowds with his computer. Someone crashed into him and Terry dropped the computer. "Oh, come on!"

In the midst of all the fighting, Hitchcock and Scully were both sat at the table in the kitchen area, eating their food.

"Sarge, take off your shirt! It's restricting your movement" shouted Gina.

Holt walked out of his office, followed by the captain from the 98. Holt used a bullhorn to stop all the fighting.

"What the hell is going on here?" asked Holt.

Terry stopped fighting. "Yeah. What are you guys doing?"


The squad were all sat down in the briefing room.

"Brawling with other police officers? What were you thinking?" asked Holt.

"Sir, I had nothing to do with this. I was arresting a dirty cop" said Jake.

"I heard you scream out 'I love this!'" said Holt.

"Yes. 'This' being justice. I love justice" Jake said.

"And to make matters worse, our radiator was broken during your wild street-ball scrum. So now we have no heat. Which means we'll have to work in the freezing cold, and our guest from the 98 will have to relocate again" Holt said.

Everyone started smiling, including Rosa.

"No smiles. No smiles. This is a sad day for our precinct. Dismissed" said Holt.

Everyone apart from Gina and Terry walked out of the briefing room.

"Captain. You know what's kinda weird? There was no one fighting over by the radiator. You were the only person standing near it" said Gina suspiciously.

"I suppose, in the hubbub, I may have tripped and busted a pipe" said Holt.

Holt lifted his foot and and kicked the pipe. The pipe broke and steam came out of the broken pipe. Holt looked down at the pipe and walked away.

"I knew it! I knew you couldn't stand having someone in your space" said Gina, smiling.

"He used my letter opener to cut his tuna sandwich in half!" said Holt. "You were right. They were disrespectful and had to go. And yes, sometimes, you have to come up with a creative solution."

"And sometimes, just a bunch of dudes need to get into a room and just - " Gina mimed beating someone up. "'Tale that! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!'"

"That's not the lesson here" said Holt.

"Okay, Captain" said Gina.

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