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A man can be seen sitting at a computer, he looks to his right to see three files. Inside are the descriptions of a few people he has selected for this mission. He reaches over and grabs the first file.

Profile: Forester, Allan

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Nickname: Ghost


Description: Combat Specialist and trained in medical application

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Description: Combat Specialist and trained in medical application. Prefers to avoid conflict but has proven to be able to handle himself quite well, managing to save around 20 researchers when SCP-096 broke containment.

ID Code:58382826

Assignment: Protect Doctor Sam Petrov

Weapons: Standard Issue

Equipment: his apparel consist of that in the photo

Agent Callsign: Ramsés

The man smiles to himself, knowing he chose the correct man for the job. He closes the file and moves onto the next one.

Profile: Schnee, Amy

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Nationality: German

Nickname: Snow


Description: A skilled fighter and prominent member of the serpents hand

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Description: A skilled fighter and prominent member of the serpents hand. Extremely intelligent and quick to catch on. Has been shown to be good at reading people.

ID Code:57686838

Assignment: Protect Doctor Sam Petrov

Weapons: Glock-19 hand gun, karambit blade

Equipment: Her choice of equipment is strange to say the least. Wearing that which is shown in her photo but with a black trench coat with the logo of the hand on it.

Agent Callsign: White

The man smiled once more, he trusted this one would do great things. He also trusted her abilities. He closed the file and set it down. Picking up the next file, this one had a letter on it, B.

Profile: Petrov, Sam

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Nationality: Russian

Nickname: Crow


Description: Doctor Sam Petrov, has a PhD in Biology, Cybernetics, Viral Studies and Astronomy

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Description: Doctor Sam Petrov, has a PhD in Biology, Cybernetics, Viral Studies and Astronomy. One of the few researches allowed to have Level 5 access.

ID Code:584720-25

Assignment: Research alternative dimension known as OMEGA and report findings

Weapons: MP7 submachine gun, bayonet

Agent Callsign: Delta

The man receives an email, it reads,

'Here are the files you requested, hope the equipment lives up to your standards -04'

He opens the files and sees two pictures, each containing different equipment.

The foundation:

The Serpents Hand:

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The Serpents Hand:

The Serpents Hand:

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