Chapter 7: Tattoos And Violence

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Allan woke up feeling groggy. The others were all dressed in their uniforms. Allan sat up and got out of bed. He walked into the bathroom and then turned on the shower. Before he got in he checked the time. 7:30. He shrugged and got in, letting the water run down his body.

When he got out he looked at the time. 7:54.

Allan: I got time....

He dressed in the uniform and walked out of the bathroom.

Amy: believe it or not, you look good in a uniform.

Allan: how bout I tell yang about your feasting your eyes on her body out first day? Yeah, shut up.

Sempra: guys, classes start at eight right?

Sam: yep, why?

Sempra: it's seven fifty seven.

Everyone: shit... GO!!

They sprinted out of their room in time to see team RWBY open their door and do the same. They sprinted for two minutes before slamming through the classroom door.

Everyone in the room looked at them as they made their way to their seats, some people making a show out of getting there. With Allan jumping to his seat.

A few seconds later, teams JNPR and RWBY bursted through the door. They then walked to their seats.

???: If you all are done then we shall begin.

Professor Port was the one who was teaching them. Allan knew this because of the massive words on the chalk board.

Allan was, admittedly, excited to learn about Grimm. But the professor just talked about himself through out the class.

Allan zoned out heavily while Amy tapped away at her tech sleeve. Sam had passed out, he wasn't wearing his mask so sleep was much easier. Sempra was drawing on a piece of paper.

Port: so who believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

Allan raised his hand as well as the white haired girl from before.

Port: well then change and come back here.

Allan stood up and went to the locker room, where he grabbed all of the weapons he would need. Including, a bunch of throwing knives, two folding sickles, a shotgun, two M4's, two MP7's, two Glocks, two karambit blades, some grenades, and a folding scythe.

He also wore his regular combat equipment, which were the long coat and his black attire underneath with the vest.

He walked out to see the other girl waiting for him. The professor then revealed a big ass pig Grimm.

Allan: man, your a big one ain't ya?

Port: now, ready? Set? Begin!

Port brought down an axe, gun thing on the lock, releasing the boar. Allan laughed a bit since he knew he could take it on easily. The white haired girl ran in, and was instantly knocked away. The pig charged Allan, who simply let it hit him, but when it did, he stuffed a grenade in its mouth, pulling the pin as he went. He then jumped over it and watched it explode.

Allan: easy. I dont even have to use a knife for those things.

Port clapped.

Port: bravo, bravo. That was excellent my boy.

Port wrapped his arm around Allan's shoulder. Allan's face remained the same the whole time.

Just then the bell rang.

Port: well, class is over. Do pages one through thirteen for homework.

Allan changed again and walked back to his team. The white haired girl seemed angry about something.

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