Chapter 4: Walking Armory

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Allan was standing at the edge of a cliff on some pads, the others were a little ways away. Ozpin had just given his speech and now students were being launched into the forest, the only problem? Landing. Allan knew he and the others shouldn't have an issue, but the other students were not imbued with magical bullshit powers.

Allan was broken out of thought as he was launched into the sky. He took a moment to survey his surroundings. He caught a glimpse of the ruin to his left.

Allan made sure no one was looking, before he faded out of existence, and reappeared on the ground. He looked at his hand.

Allan: huh, didn't think that would actually work. Better make my way to-

A growl nearby cut him off. He turned, four knives already in one hand and a Glock in the other.

A black wolf with a bone like mask jumped out of the bush, straight at him. Instantly it was hit with four knives, two in each eye and two more in each shoulder. He walked up to the creature as it sat whimpering on the ground, he put the Glock on its skull and pulled the trigger four times.

Allan pulled the knives out of the beast as it began to turn to ash. He stopped some up and put it in a vial, placing it back in his coat. He put the knives back and continued on.

He hadn't been walking for two minutes before more wolves jumped at him. He fired 6 more rounds before the gun was out of ammo. He managed to kill three more beasts. He dropped the gun and pulled out a sickle from his belt, slicing the head off another wolf.

He then pulled out a second sickle and used the two of them to cut the legs of another wolf, this time he took a grenade, pulled the pin and let the clasp fling off, before stuffing it in the creatures mouth.

He jumped back as the grenade went off and killed the monster.

Allan: well that was mildly stressful... And now I get to walk to a ruin with these things chasing me... Great.

Allan folded up the sickles and placed them back in his coat before grabbing the handgun and reloading. He placed it in a leg holster.

He walked for longer until he heard rustling nearby. He spun on a swivel, his instincts getting the better of him, he already had a small SMG pointed in the direction of the bush. The MP7 would be able to handle whatever came out.

Allan watched as the bushes parted, revealing... A boy? He was young, maybe around sixteen, and wore Red, the boy had black hair and red eyes.

The boy went wide eyed at the gun pointed at him.

Allan sighed and lowered the gun.

Allan: you should've said something kid, I almost killed you.

Boy: yeah well, you aren't exactly that much better, I could've killed YOU...

Allan: without your weapon drawn? I doubt it. Blegh, whatever, we need to get to that ruin. Now, are you coming or not, partner?

Sempra: it's Sempra, and yes, partner, we shall.

Allan put the SMG back in it's holster inside his coat.

Allan: names Allan, nice to meet ya.

They walked towards the ruin, but we're stopped a little ways away by more bushes shaking.

Allan: listen, whoever the hell is out there, reveal yourself before I put a twelve guage between your fucking eyes!

Amy: relax dumbass, it's just us. God I wish you had just been eat-

Amy walked out of the bush, her voice trailing off at the sight of Sempra.

Amy: who's the kid?

Sempra: I am NOT a kid!

Allan: you'll have to excuse my friends attitude, she doesn't know when to lose it.

Amy: I should shoot you...

Allan: yeah... But you won't.

Sam: now now children, let's not bloody eachother up, we're on the same team aren't we?

Sempra: so who are you guys?

Sam: my name is Sam Petrov, and this is Amy Schnee.

Sempra: like the Schnee mega corporation that sells dust?

Amy: the what now?

Allan: are we gonna stand around with our thumbs up our asses or are we gonna get to the ruin?

Sam: good point, let's move.

A little more walking and they came out just in time to see a group of people getting chased by a bunch of Grimm.

Allan: sucks to be them... Alright, everyone grab a piece.

Sempra: we aren't gonna help them?

Allan: fuck no... It's us or them, if we get the chance to we will but for now, it doesn't cause an issue with our objective. The mission comes first.

Sempra tried to argue but found he couldn't, Amy and Sam grabbed some chess pieces from the ruin, and Allan grabbed one that had been knocked over.

Sempra grabbed a piece off of a pedestal nearby. A loud explosion was heard nearby.

Allan: okay, now that we have our objectives secured, let's go blow up some monster, shall we?

Allan was already running towards the explosion with the others. Sempra managed to catch up.

After running for a few minutes, they found a group of people fighting a deathstalker while a nevermore was fighting another group.

Sempra: okay, I'll go for its-

Sempra looked behind him to see that everyone was already moving. Amy was drawing a strange symbol on her hand while Sam had a large sniper rifle in his hands, aiming for the nevermore. Allan was on top of the deathstalker, stabbing it repeatedly. Once a large hole was made, he took a grenade, pulled the pin, and dropped it in.

Allan: AMY NOW!

Amy's hand grew bright as a purple glow surrounded the deathstalker, the grenade went off and the explosion blew the Grimm to pieces.

Allan: good work enhancing that explosion. Sam, hows-

A loud shot was heard from nearby, everyone turned to find Sam standing up, he seemed annoyed.

Sam: that damn bird won't hold still, and the girl on its back is making it harder.

Allan: it seems they have it from here, let's get back. I'm sure that Ozpin guy has been watching this whole thing.

Amy: he did say he would.

Allan: shut up Amy your last name is snow.

Amy: fuck you.


A/n: I'm sick :)

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