Chapter 9: I'll Be There

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Allan sat across from Amy, Deimos next to him. Amy was reading and Deimos watched him, smiling, as usual. Sam and that Weiss girl had gone to the city for something. Allan stood up from his seat and turned to leave.

Amy: leaving so soon?

Allan: I need to clear my head.

Allan walked out of the library without another word, Deimos following him. He grew irritated and turned to tell her off, but she was gone. He walked to the cliff where initation had happened. He sat down and closed his eyes, images of bloody hallways and corpses flashing through his mind. He saw a girl's face. He opened his eyes and grabbed his head as a headache set in.

He closed his eyes once more, seeing that same face, the same one that had taunted him since that day. He opened his eyes again at the sound of footsteps.

Blake: come here often?

The questions was meant to be light hearted, but when he turned to face her, he saw her face change from one of humor to one of concern.

Blake: why are you crying?

Allan reached up and touched his cheek, sure enough, it was wet.

Allan: I didn't realize I was.

Blake: what's wrong?

Allan: just memories, memories of a past love. A past friend.

Allan remembered quite vividly killing his girlfriend, she had begged him to. She was infected with scp-008, they bother knew what she would become. He also remembered crying for hours, holding her body.

Blake looked like her, they even had similar voices. Of course, Lisa was more out going and friendly.

Allan: kid, I want you to know, if you ever need something, let me know.

Allan turned to her, he was determined not to let another friend die.

Allan: promise me you will come to me if you need help, because that's what friends are for.

Blake looked a bit shocked at his request.

Blake: I-I promise. What is this about?

Allan: that past friend and love. That's who this is about. I lost one person I consider friend, I won't lose another one. You can ask Amy about my tendencies.

Amy: yep, the guy has some major attachment issues.

Allan jumped like a cat out of water.

Allan: Amy if you do that again I might just shoot you.

Blake laughed at the two.

Blake: so, what were you doing out here anyway?

Allan: came to get away from everyone and get some fresh air.

Blake: me too, it gets pretty loud in our dorm when ruby and yang get bored.

Allan: I know sun shines bright, but not as bright as the moon.

Blake: what does that mean?

Allan: lyrics from a song I like, reminds me of why I fight. That no matter how bright good shines, evil shines brighter.

Blake: it has a strangely nice sentiment to it, doesn't it?

Amy: you guys are fucken nerds... I'm off to find yang or someone interesting, try not to die.

Allan: yeah yeah, have fun ya damn gay.


Allan laughed a bit as she walked off. He grew more serious as he turned to his right, where Blake was.

Allan: if you ever need me, I'll be there. I promise you that.

Blake blushed a bit, but Allan was oblivious.

Allan heard someone sit next to him. He turned to find Deimos, she wasn't smiling like usual, instead she looked sad.

Allan: 'why the long face?'

Deimos: I feel what you feel dumbass. If your sad, I'm sad. It fucking sucks.

Allan laughed a bit.

Blake: what?

Allan: oh nothing, just some thoughts about some pranks I could pull.

Blake: your almost as childish as ruby and yang.

Allan: this won't be a conventional prank, I'm gonna switch their book covers. Mild but will cause chaos. It will be glorious.

Deimos was now floating Infront of him, she was smiling a wicked smile.

Deimos: I love it, the chaos should make for some fine entertainment.

Allan stood up to leave but stopped when he thought of something.

Allan: why hide them? Your ears I mean.

Blake: I just don't want to be discriminated against. I don't have time to deal with bullies.

Allan: you saw what I did to that asshat at lunch, don't be afraid to ask your comrades for help. Especially the people I keep as company. They act tough but their all good people.

Blake: never thought you would compliment someone.

Allan: well, call it a mood swing, I just feel a bit happier tonight. Now, onto that prank.

Blake stood up. With a small giggle she walked over to Allan while he was deep in thought.

Blake: so, you need a hand getting in?

Allan looked at her and smiled. He knew things were about to get fun.

Allan: foot prints in the sand followed by a heard of rotten bison.

Blake: what does that one mean?

Allan: it's a twisted version of a different saying. The original goes, 'foot prints in the sand followed by a heard of sheep' but it was changed to fit for soldiers. Because sheep are considered pure, and once you kill someone, you are no longer a sheep.

Blake thought about it. She hadn't taken Allan for the philosophical type, yet, here he was, explaining different sayings and their meanings.

Blake: do you like reading?

Allan: yes, yes I do. Particularly horror and occult but I also enjoy fantasy and mythos. I don't dable too much in political stuff or history.

Blake: have you ever read this book about a man with two souls? Each soul is trying to gain control over his body.

Allan: no, I have not, if I get the chance, I will. Now, about that help you offered... Wait, what time is it?

Allan looked at the time and sighed.

Allan: it's midnight, looks like we'll wait till tomorrow. I enjoyed our talk Blake, we should do it again sometime. But for now, good night.

And with that, Allan walked back to the dorm to go to sleep.


A/n: I will explain Deimos soon, don't worry.

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