Chapter 3: A Slight Affliction

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Allan was sitting in the bullhead with his team, they were on their way to beacon in order to gather information.

Amy: I'm still wondering a few things about this world but for the most part I think I got it down.

Sam: indeed, it is rather easy to understand.

Allan winced, grabbing and rubbing his wrist. Amy noticed this and looked worried.

Amy: has it been getting worse?

Allan: no, if anything, it's no where as bad as when we first arrived.

Sam: you sure you don't want me to make something to get rid of it?

Allan: nah, it's fine. I can bear it. I did so for three whole years didn't I?

Amy: yeah, but parasites tend to do harm to the host...

Allan: that's the thing, I've told you I understand it. I know it won't kill me. At least, not yet.

Sam: I'm still a bit confused about it...

Amy: what are you confused about?

Sam: we can't ever find the parasite but we know it's there. Where does it go?

Allan: it's in my blood stream, it basically controls my blood.

Sam: so, technically, if you were to cut your arm, you could use that blood as a weapon?

Allan: I suppose so...

Allan heard yelling nearby, and turned to see the girl from a few nights ago and a blonde. What they were screaming about was beyond him.

Allan: make sure to keep your masks on for as long as possible, it would suck if we were recognized by a civie...

Amy: I think you outta talk to her, she seems fond of you... In fact...

Allan was then shoved forward, falling Infront of the two.

Yang's POV:

I looked down at the boy at my feet, he had black hair, wore a white beanie, and had black nails. He was dressed in a long black coat with a strange symbol and a snake on it. A mask was laying nearby.

Ruby: A-Allan? Are you okay?

Yang: you know this guy rubes?

Allan: fucking asshole

Yang: pardon?

Allan stood up, grabbing his mask and placing it back on his face.

Allan: sorry about that, my friend seems to have an issue with listening...

Ruby: Allan, I almost forgot you and your friends were coming here.

Allan: well, here we are, all though the others seem to have wondered off...

Just then a girl with black hair and lavender eyes, wearing the same coat as Allan, popped up next to us.

???: You know it's rude to speak badly of others in the presence of guests.

Allan: Amy, do me a favor... Shut the fuck up.

Amy: sorry about my friend here, hope he isn't bothering you.


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