Chapter 5: New Tech

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Teams had just been named, and Allan was walking to their dorm room. According to Ozpin, he had visitors. The rest of the team had gone to the mess hall, hungry after the initiation.

Allan arrived at the dorm room, and he used the scroll he had to unlock it. Inside were two people he hadn't anticipated meeting here.

Allan: Dallas?

Dallas: Allan! How ya been?

Dallas had a country accent, Allan also noticed someone else in the room.

Allan: I've been good. Question. What are you doing here?

Dallas: just delivering some stuff, ain't that right Nelson?

Nelson: yep, new tech, it should allow you to communicate with us discreetly, as well as your team members.

Nelson was dark skinned and stood a bit taller than Dallas, who had pulled out a suit case.

Dallas: these are called, "tech sleeves" and they're cool as shit.

Allan: neat, what can they do?

Dallas: anything! You can hack with em, listen to music, watch videos, and a whole assortment of things.

Allan: huh, that's actually really fucking cool. Now, I'm well aware that they wouldn't have sent someone to bring us this shit, so what else do you need?

Dallas: you always were smart.

Nelson: nous devons être prudents, ne pas dire qui écoute.

"We must be careful, no telling who is listening."

Allan:en effet, maintenant, quelle est la mission ?

"Indeed, now, what is the mission?"

Dallas:simple, un raid. nous connaissons une organisation terroriste dans la région, nous avons une équipe constituée pour vous aider. rendez-vous ici plus tard ce soir. oh, et ne le dis à personne.

"simple, a raid. we know of some terrorist organization in the area, we have a team assembled to help you. meet here later tonight. oh, and tell no one of this."

Dallas handed a piece of paper to Allan, an address written on it.

Allan: Je serai là, quel est le nom de l'équipe ?

"I'll be there, what's the teams name?"

Nelson: ils sont l'équipe d'action extrême Remnant, ou réagissent. ils seront votre choix pour les opérations qui nécessitent une furtivité extrême.

"they are the Remnant extreme action team, or react. theyll be your go to for operations that require extreme stealth."

Allan: that is all?

Nelson: yes, that is it.

He began to walk towards the rooms exit, before stopping and spinning on his heel.

Nelson: actually, I heard the administrator is coming. Your close with the guy, aren't you?

Allan: I guess you could say that, but hurry up, someone might get suspicious.

Dallas: I'll just leave these here.

He set down the suitcase containing the tech sleeves. And then they left, they walked out and vanished into the corridor.

Allan took one of the tech sleeves and slid it on. It fit snug against his arm, and was very light. It was a flat screen on a black sleeve, and it instantly lit up with things such as Allan's vitals, his body status, and even his heart rate.

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