prologue: Allan

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   Allan was sitting on the deck of the aircraft carrier, looking out at the ocean. He had been doing this job for about two years now and he still had issues wrapping his head around it. Two years ago he was working with the Delta force doing assassinations and such. Now he is trying to stop the world from ending because a woman gives birth, or a certain plague doctor manages to escape his hole known as area-12. It was an honest enough job though.

He stood from his spot, having been sitting on some empty crates. He watched as a few black hawk helicopters flew towards the ship. Once the helicopters landed he made his way towards one, seeing the two people he was going to be working with. Doctor Sam Petrov and Operator Amy Schnee.

He was happy to see Petrov, but schnee was a different story. He had his own reservations about the serpents hand. As did most members of the foundation. Not that they were bad people but they were definitely a threat.

Allan: Doctor Petrov

Petrov: Allan Forester I presume?

Allan: indeed.  I see you have brought the hand with you

Allan looked towards Amy, who had a cold, emotionless face. Allan didn't blame her, he learned a few months after getting his job that emotions got in the way. So, he did what everyone else did, he threw them down the drain.

Allan looked to the other helicopters, watching as men in uniforms came out. These men were the serpents hand, the guardians of the library, a vast space of knowledge about the anomalous and the world. Books just seemingly appeared there at times.

It was rare for the foundation to be working with the hand, as they didn't exactly have a good record with each other. They have fought multiple times in the past. But Allan saw no reason to be harsh here.

Allan: Amy Schnee?

Amy nodded

Allan: I'm Allan Forester, nice to meet you.

Allan stuck his hand out for a handshake.

Amy: I hope we can get along long enough to complete our mission. You remember the mission correct?

Amy shook his hand when she asked the question.

Allan: of course, protect Doctor Sam Petrov at all cost during this mission. Not that it will be too hard considering we have an entire carrier battle group to help

Doctor Petrov: indeed, however, that is only when we are on the ships. We believe that there is landmass on the other side of the gate. So that means we will be going to land and gathering samples for future study. Any creatures we find will also be studied

Allan and Amy nod, the latter of which turned and made her way towards a nearby crewman.

She exchanged some words with him and walked back to the group.

Amy: I know where our bunks are, follow me.

And  so they did. They followed Amy to where they would be spending a majority of their time on the ship. The room was simple, bunk beds on each side and a desk at the far end. A lamp sat on the desk and above it was a view port. They walked into the room and began choosing bunks.

Amy: I call dibs on top bunk!

Allan/Petrov: FUCK!


Everyone was on the ships deck, prepping for the moment that they hit the monument that functioned as a portal. Sam loaded his gun while Allan sharpened his blade. Amy just read a book.

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