Chapter 1: Landfall

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The team had just landed, as in, they had literally JUST landed. The last person out of the Osprey was Amy. He didn't know what to think of the girl. On one hand, she seemed nice and smart. On the other hand, her last name is snow in German, which confused Sam even more.

Allan: alright everyone, set up a perimeter and pull 360. Don't want anything sneaking up on us unannounced...

Allan, smart, level headed, great leader, but also quick to follow orders. Never questions why. He was likeable, at least they had managed to befriend each other. Might as well since they're going to be spending the majority of their time together.

Allan: let's push north from here, drones picked up some movement that looked like it might be military. Command wants us to investigate and report back.

Amy: are we supposed to hold fire on them or what?

Allan: ROE is only fire if fired upon

Sam: so in other words, we just get to be target practice if they're hostile.

Allan: yeah, pretty fuckin much.

Sam: sounds like fun~ let's go.

And so they set off. Sam in the middle of the group while Amy and Allan led. After a few minutes of walking they found signs of civilization, it wasn't much though.

The trail had scattered evidence of humans or some other intelligent life form. There were cups, empty bags, and even a few stomped out cigarettes.

Sam: I guess we know they have at least some form of intelligence.

They continued on until they found a small encampment. To call this a military base would insult at least half of America. The thing was hastily constructed, it lacked defenses, the patrols we're so few a large force of fifty could sneak inside, and there weren't even working lights. It was night by the time they were in position.

They all got down into a low crouch, moving silently towards the base. They made it to a ridge line and laid down. Sam took out his binoculars and looked down at the base, seeing people all in similar clothing, but what was clear was, this was not a military, they were armed, but they clearly didn't hold military capacity in numbers, equipment, vehicles, nothing. But then something caught sam's eye.

There was a group of men walking towards an open tent, behind them were a bunch of girls. Even more interesting, these men had animal like features, and so, Sam realized something. The girls were being held against their will by anomalous entities.

Sam: Allan, those girls...

Allan: yeah I know...

Allan raised his hand to his radio before pressing a button on it.

Allan: All forces, prepare to engage...

Amy: sir? What do you mean? I thought the ROE-

Allan: the ROE changed when we witnessed hostages.

And so things began, the men fanned out on the ridge line, peeping their weapons for the coming battle.

Suddenly, one of the girls managed to break free from her captors. Sam watched through his binoculars as she ran towards the woods, the man behind her raising a weapon.

A loud crack was heard, but the girl continued running. Looking back at the man, Sam saw that there wasn't a head where there was previously.

Allan: all forces, open fire.

The sounds of gunfire could be heard for miles, but the gun fight lasted a few minutes. The screams filled the night air.

??? POV:

Miranda had managed to break free, and she was running towards the woods. But I watched in horror as the man leading us raised a gun in her direction. I closed my eyes expecting a  loud bang, but instead I heard a crack as well as the sound of something fleshy being hit.

I opened my eyes to see the man had his head missing. It had been blown off. I was shocked, I stood there as the body fell and I was covered in blood. Suddenly the sounds of automatic gunfire sounded out, and it was close. Looking up I saw something strange.

I couldn't see because of the darkness, but up on a nearby hill, I could see the flashes of the attackers, and I saw red eyes. Or red visors.

Suddenly, the front gate exploded and I was sent flying back. I landed in the ground with a thump. Looking up, I saw a group of men run into the small base, these men were wearing strange armor, some of them being clad in greenish tan with helmets and visors, others having a white and black camo on them as well as strange masks.

The men charged in and opened fire on the nearby white fang members. I felt something tear through my abdomen and fell to the ground in pain. I watched as another explosion rocked the ground beneath me. The men fanned out and began moving deeper as I felt my eye lids grow heavy. The last thing I saw before passing out was a man walking towards me, the man had on a bird mask and a top hat, he also had a robotic arm. He stopped near me and leaned down.

Sam: that's a nasty wound, better get it sealed up before it gets infected.

He turned towards one of the men.

Sam: get her up and take her back towards the LZ.

And then I blacked out.


The soldiers grabbed the hostages and began filing out of the base, making sure to plant explosives on the vehicles. Allan carried an injured hostage over his shoulder, a stray round had ripped into her stomach.

After everyone was rounded up, they began walking back towards the landing zone, a total of 9 hostages in tow. Some of which had animal traits.

Amy: keep the weird ones separate from the others, can't be too sure they're not gonna try something.

The men from the serpents hand guarded the girls with animal traits while the men from the foundation marched with the normal girls.

For some reason, the anomalies seemed upset by this choice. But it mattered not to any of them. They were more worried about the safety of eachother and the one wounded girl.

They hadn't been walking for more than ten minutes when they heard it, the thumping sound that usually accompanied rotary winged aircraft. And then they saw it, and it saw them, a UH-60 black hawk. It landed in a nearby clearing. A medic was on board this helicopter since it had been noted they had a single wounded person.

Allan: alright, step into the black hawk and follow the man inside, he will tell you where to sit.

The girls did as they were told, some of the animal like ones began crying. Though, no one cared about the crying. As they got on, Allan set down the girl he was carrying, she had black hair and pale skin, a pair of cat ears on her head. Allan simply sat down and let the medic tend to her as the Helo lifted off.

This was gonna be one helluva debriefing.

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