Chapter 2: Blake

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Blake didn't know where she was, but she felt a few things. The main one was pain, but she also felt hands on her body. She felt her clothes being cut off. she felt a stabbing pain in her abdomen. And then her ears started ringing, and she heard people talking, but it was like she was underwater.

???: Shit, we're losing her, some one grab a defib!

Blake heard a high pitched noise, she then felt electricity surge through her body, thing focused back in so she could hear.

???: We got a pulse! Someone grab the gauze and someone grab some water!

Blake then felt dizzy, like she was falling. Then she felt the softness of a bed, and the warmth of a blanket.

Blake slowly opened her eyes, and was instantly hit with a bright light causing her to lift her hand up and cover her eyes.

???:oh my, it would seem your awake. That's good, means we didn't put you in a coma.

Blake looked to her right and saw a man, he had black hair, pale skin, and black nails. He was wearing a black shirt with a white beanie, and some black gym pants.

Blake: who are you? Where am I? What happened?

???: Calm down please, I don't want to have to re-do your stitches. Now, my name is Allan Forester, you are currently aboard the U.S.S Manta, and as for what happened, well, you almost died, well, technically you DID die, but we wouldn't let you go that easily.

At that the man smiled, but then he winced.

Allan: fucking parasite.


Allan: sorry, I have a medical condition that is quite annoying.

Blake: how did we get here?

Allan: we flew, how else?

Blake: I don't feel too good.

Blake felt her stomach churning. Suddenly the room began to tilt, and lights lit up the dark sky.

Allan grabbed onto the corner of the bed.

Allan: that damn storm is really kicking up. But never the less, let me get you something for the pain and sea-sickness.

Allan walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a small purple pill.

Allan: this should work, just need some water.

Blake was scheming of a way to escape, they no doubt knew about her involvment in the-

Allan: so, what were those pricks doing holding you guys hostage?

Blake: what? You mean you don't know what the white fang is?

Allan:shit, fuck, oh god I'm fucked. How can I bullshit my way out of this one? .... Oo I know.

Allan: sorry, didn't realize they looked like that. That was my first time fighting them.

Blake was very confused. This guy was obviously military but he didn't know who the white fang are? Strange.

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