Chapter 6: Raid

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Allan and Rainer were on the roof of the building that had the white fang members.

Rainer: do you have a plan?

Allan turned on his radio and tuned it to their frequency. He then held the transmit button.

Allan: we're gonna drop tear gas in, rappel down, grab three members for interrogation, and then the rest of you breach and deal with the others. Anyone who surrenders should be taken in for questioning.

He released the radio button, knowing that everyone heard him.

Rainer pulled out a gas mask and took off his helmet. He then placed it on his face.

Allan followed suit, tightening the straps and pressing on it to seal it. He then placed his helmet back on his head and pulled out some tear gas.

He pulled the pin, dropping it down through a window into the building, Rainer doing the same. The gas grenades went off and smoke filled the room. The sounds of coughing were heard, signaling that it had worked.

Allan tied his line around a nearby pipe, and then shattered the window. He and Rainer jumped through, rappelling down with their guns on their sides.

As they hit the ground, Allan grabbed a nearby white fang member and threw him on the ground, putting his hands behind his back and zip tying them together, he then zip tied his feet, and then zip tied them to his hands. He placed a gas mask on the members face, adjusting it and clearing it.

He stood up and turned to find Rainer had done the same with another member. He heard someone running nearby and turned to see a white fang member charging them. Allan threw a knife into the guys shoulder as he jerked back, landing on the ground with a hard thud.

Allan rushed him, tying him up like the other guy before giving him a gas mask. He removed the blade, and then reached to his radio. He hit the transmit button twice, signalling the team to make entry. He heard an explosion in another room and the sounds of gun fire. He and Rainer began to make their way through the smoke, shooting anyone still on their feet.


Allan had just gotten back, the white fang members were sent back to the Carrier to be interrogated for information. He walked through the halls and to a locker room. Once inside, he started taking off his gear and putting it in a locker. He then walked to a shower before he had the sense of being watched, he knew to trust his instincts.

Allan: who ever that is, come out now and I won't shoot you... Maybe

Blake walked out from around the corner. She was looking down and had a red tint on her face.


Blake: sorry, I saw you walking away from the bullhead area and thought to follow you to ask a question or two but, you had a look on your face... A look of tiredness...

Allan: and? Why the fuck are you standing around the corner like some stalker?

Blake blushed even redder at this.

Blake: s-sorry I was just debating if I should ask you...

Allan: ask me what?

Blake: well, I doubt you were just going for a walk, since that stuff looks heavy, and I don't think normal people would go shopping at two in the morning. So what were you doing?

Allan laughed a bit at this.

Allan: you know, if you asked anyone else that, you might have been shot. Or told to mind your own business, but shot is pretty likely. Anyways, if you must know, I had a mission. One that I'm not at liberty to discuss with someone new.

Blake: I understand.

Her blush had gone away and she turned to walk away but stopped when Allan called her name.

Allan: Blake, your first payment should be in, I recommend taking a look... Hope you find it to your.. liking.

Blake nodded, and pulled out her scroll, opening up her bank account to check how much she had. Her eyes widened when she saw the balance had been increased to well over a few hundred million lien.

Blake: what?! How did you guys get so much money?!

Allan: we have our ways.

Blake then left the locker room. Allan watched her go, a strange feeling in his chest.

Allan: hm, that's a new, never felt this before. Might need to get myself evaluated.

Allan walked into the showers, oblivious to the person listening in.

Ozpins office:

Ozpin: so Blake belladonna is working with them? Interesting, what do you think Glynda?

Glynda: I think they are dangerous, if not for their strength's, then for their ability to cover themselves very well. We should let ironwood know.

Ozpin: indeed, but let's wait for a bit. I'm interested in how they will behave here.

Ozpin sipped his coffee. He then closed the video feed and stood up.

Back to Allan:

Allan walked into the dorm, closing the door as quietly as possible. He turned to see everyone asleep. Amy was in her casual attire, which was just a black crop top and orange short shorts. Sam had his mask and hat nearby, and Sempra had on some black pajamas.

Allan went into the bathroom to change into his sleep wear. It consisted of a black t-shirt and some white sweat pants. He walked over to his bed and played down trying to clear his head. Though this wasn't an easy task.

The adrenaline flowed through his veins and he hated it, because he could never sleep while so hyped up. But then he did something he regretted instantly. He tried to stretch and pulled a muscle. He then proceeded to spaz out in silence for three minutes before the soreness kicked in.

Allan: great, and I have classes tomorrow. Why can't anything good happen to me?

He was then overcome with a wave of tiredness. His last thoughts before passing out were of Blake and how she had much to learn.


A/n: phone gonna die soon. Better charge it.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed. If not, that's cool ig.

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