The Date - 1

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This is a story when Carmen and Gray go on a date . This happens During season 3 when Carmen visits Sydney to see how Gray is doing after the Auckland incident .

Requested by CarmenandGray


 Carmen was on her way to Sydney . She was going to check on Gray . It's almost been a month since the Auckland caper and Carmen was worried if Graham gets his memories back because of that incident . She wanted to check on him to see if he was fine . They were calling each other sometimes but Graham the last time Carmen and Graham talked in their phones , Graham sounded a bit disturbed . So she was going to Sydney . 

It was 12:00pm when she reached Sydney . Player booked her a hotel room close to the cafe where Carmen and Graham used to hangout . She freshened up and took out her phone to text Graham that she was in Sydney .

Carmen :- Hey Graham ! I'm here in Sydney.

Graham :- Okay ! Wait I'm gonna call you right now . I wanna say something .

Carmen :- Okay ...

Just a few seconds later Graham called Carmen . Carmen's heart was beating faster and faster ever since she saw his message . "What if he got some of his memories back and wants to talk about it with me " she thought . Her phone started ringing . She answered it .

" Hey Gray-Graham ! "

" Hey mate . What are you doing here ?"

" What am I not supposed visit ?" Carmen teased.

Graham chuckled and said ," Nothing like that . I just wanted to know ."

" Well you sounded a bit off and I wanted to see if you're alright "

" Oh ! I'm fine it's just something I wanted to ask you "

" Well then what is it ?"

Graham took a deep breath . He was searching his mind for something and he finally got it . He asked ," Hey do you like a raisin ? What about a date ?".

Carmen was confused . " What ?"

Gray said ," Will you go on a date with me ?" 

Carmen was relieved that his question was not something about his memories . But Carmen's heart was still beating fast . It was probably because he asked her out . Carmen really liked him but she never thought that Gray would actually ask her out . 

She said ," Sure . What time and where ?"

" 6:00pm ? Meet me near the cafe . Then I will take you somewhere else ."

" Oh ! Where ?"

" I can't tell mate . I want it to be a surprise for you "

" Oh then see you tonight"

" Goodbye !"

Carmen was so happy . She is going on a date with Graham . But the she was so confused on what to wear . This is her first time going on a date . She had a long day to think of what to wear .

Meanwhile ...

Graham finally asked Carmen out . He was in love with her ever since he met her . He had planned all of this since then . But something was a bit off . " How can I fall in love with someone I just met ?" he thought . He just ignored that thought and started looking for something to wear .

Few hours later ...

Carmen was till so confused on what to wear . She tried on so many styles but none of them were perfect enough . She searched and searched and finally found the perfect dress . It was a beautiful , red lace of the shoulder dress . She picked out a pair of red sandals and wore them with her dress . She did not want to leave her hair so she rolled it up in a beautiful side bun with a red flower in it . She looked so beautiful . She grabbed her purse and went out . 

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