The Date - 2

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This story it kind of same as The Date - 1 but in this Gray gets his memories back (After the Crackle goes kiwi caper). He asks Carmen for a date . Will she say yes or no ? Is this date or is it a trap ? Dive into the story to find out .

Requested by graycracklerulz


It is has been almost a month since Gray got his memories back . Carmen was getting worried about him . "What if he could go back to V.I.L.E ..." she thought . She did not want to loose Gray . Gray always calls her because he was all alone and needed someone to talk with about his time in V.I.L.E and Carmen was the only person who he could talk with . Besides he had a crush on her so obviously he'd want to talk to her everyday . But one day he did not call . This scared Carmen . He calls her everyday but not this day . "He may have gone back to V.I.L.E" she thought . Since Gray is not calling her , Carmen decided to call him to find out how he was feeling .

" Gray are you ok ?"

"I am fine Carmen but I have something to talk to you about "

" I know what it is . You can go back to V.I.L.E if you want ."

" What ? No . Why would I want to go back to V.I.L.E after what I've done "

" Oh ! Then what did you want to talk about ?"

" I-um-I ..."

" Gray are you ok ?"

" Yes I'm-uhh...Will you go on a date with me ?"

" Umm..."

"Is that a no ?"

" No ! I mean Yes ! I mean ok I will go on a date with you."

" Great ... so...."

" So.....when? and where ?"

"Well how bout the café ? And are you free on Saturday ?"

" Yeah "

" Okay then see you on Saturday "

" Bye "

Carmen ended the call . She was not able to believe that Gray asked her on a date . She thought he was angry on her for not telling about V.I.L.E when he did not have any memory of them but he realized that Carmen was doing all that for his safety . But then a thought came into Carmen's mind . "What if this date was a trap ...?" thought Carmen . Carmen decided to go anyway . If it is a trap she will be careful this time and make sure that she won't get captured .

Meanwhile ...

Gray was back in Sydney thinking about Carmen . He thought she was angry at him because of what he had done to her . He tried to kill the woman he is in love with . Gray wanted to fix things between them . He wanted to become closer to Carmen like he was back when they were in V.I.L.E academy . After the call has ended he stared at the his phone and smiled . He decided that he will tell her about how he feels about her . He kept his phone in his pocket and went off to his work . 

On Saturday ...

"Carmen this is a terrible idea !" said player through Carmen's earpiece ( or is it an earing ?).

"It's ok Player . I will be careful . If he still hasn't changed I'm never forgiving him "


"Ok I gotta go"

Carmen grabbed her red purse and went off . She wore a red lace off the shoulder dress , red sandals and rolled her hair into a side bun ( sorry i can't think of any other outfits at this moment ). She went to the same café that Gray told her to go to . Gray was looking really handsome in a black jacket and blue and black shirt . He looked at Carmen who was on the opposite side of the cafe and waved to her . 

When Carmen crossed the road and came to him , he immediately hugged her and said ," You have no idea how happy I am to see you right now . You're looking gorgeous ". 

Carmen giggled and said ,"Thanks".

Gray pulled out a chair for Carmen and she accepted it . They ordered some food .

Gray started ,"So have you been ?"

Carmen said ,"I've been fine . What about you ? How have you been since you got your memories back ?"

"Well I'm fine . It is sometimes hard but I've been better ." his eyes went from the his hands to Carmen . He noticed the expression on her face . She seemed a bit upset . "I'm sorry about what I did to you . I never wanted to but I had no choice" he took her hand and rubbed his thumb on knuckles .

Carmen smiled at him and said ,"It's ok . You've changed now right ?"

" Absolutely "

Carmen smiled and took her hand back . In a few minutes their food came . They talked for sometime and laughed . Gray kept making jokes which Carmen did not understand and explaining them just made it worse . When they finished , Gray thought of walking her to her hotel . It was a cold night . Gray wrapped his arms around Carmen . The warmth of his body made the coldness that she was feeling disappear . But all too soon they reached the hotel .

" So this is it " Carmen said wishing she did not have go .

" Yeah ... Carmen I have something to tell you "

" Mhm"

" I - I wanted to say that .... I love you "

Carmen stood there as if she was frozen . Gray thought that she would be angry on him but instead she came so close to him leaving only few inches between their lips . Gray closed the distance between them . He pressed his lips on hers . After a few seconds , Carmen pulled back . He watched as her slender figure disappeared into the shadows .


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