Chapter Ten

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They spent the next day on the couch and watched movies, feeling lazy and unmotivated. They only got up to use the bathroom and getting the leftover pizza to eat for breakfast, Kathy was going to cook a simple dinner later.

"Are you alright Little one?" Kathy asked, running her fingers through her hair.

"Meh, you?" Leonore answered, rubbing her face into Kathy's boobs.

"I'm alright." Kathy replied, worried about her. "Do you want suckies?"

Kathy opened her shirt for Leonore, and she sucked on her breast, she was feeling little today. Leonore didn't suck too hard as she didn't want to hurt Kathy and not often to spare her nipples. Kathy played with Leonore's hair and rubbing her back, she sighed feeling content and quickly fell asleep.

Leonore woke up several hours later to the smell of roast lamb, it made her mouth water and hungry. She got up and went into the kitchen, watching Kathy cutting up the vegetables for roasting.

"Hello Little one, did you sleep well?" Kathy asked, when she came in.

"Hungy." Leonore answered, looking at the food.

"Dinner will be another hour and half, do you want narnie or grapies?" Kathy replied, giving her something small.

"Grapies." Leonore answered, hating having to wait so long for the roast dinner.

Kathy lifted up Leonore onto the bar stool and gave her a bowl of grapes to munch on, she sat there and watched Kathy prepare the food.

"After you eat your grapies I will put you in a bath and then you will be all clean for when Caro, Katie, Angie and Kat come for dinner." Kathy said, letting her know they will have company.

"Otay mummy, thirsty." Leonore answered, popping another grape in her mouth.

"Water or juice?" Kathy asked, getting her cup out of the cupboard.

"Duce peaze." Leonore answered, making sure to use her manners.

"Good girl for using your manners." Kathy said as she poured juice into a baby yoda cup and kissing her head.

Leonore took the cup and drank the juice quickly as she was thirsty from her nap, needing the sugar as well.

"More peaze." Leonore asked for more juice.

"How about some water? I don't want to give you too much sugar." Kathy answered, not wanting her to have a sugar hyper.

"No duce. Water yukky." Leonore replied, hating water.

"Alright, but only small cup and then bath." Kathy said, knowing she wouldn't win that battle.

Leonore suddenly jumped off the stool and ran for the bathroom, suddenly needing to tinkle. She was never into wearing a nappy and only used the toilet. Her age regression was between the ages of three to five, depending on how tired she was, when she was really tired Leonore tended to be three and on a good day, she was five. Leonore used the toilet and washed her hands, going back into the kitchen and finished her grapes and juice.

"You ready for your bath now?" Kathy asked, seeing her eat the last grape.

"Yup, uppies." Leonore answered, reaching for Kathy.

Kathy kissed her on the forehead and picked her up, taking her into the bathroom. She placed Leonore on the toilet and ran the bath for her, she put in a lavender and chamomile bubble bath to help her relax. Once the bath was filled, she put Leonore in the bath.

"What do you want to wear Little one?" Kathy asked, washing her body with a washcloth.

"Um...Star Wars shirt and trackies peaze." Leonore answered, playing with the bubbles.

The Chaos of a Broken Soul ( Mature Version)Where stories live. Discover now