Chapter Twelve

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Leonore woke up needing to go to the bathroom and went to the toilet, going downstairs for a drink. She felt good as she had a nice dream, looking to see it was 6 am and too early to be up. Leonore crawled back into bed with Kathy, snuggling into her and felt her arms tighten around her. Sighing she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. The next time she woke up she was alone, and it was ten in the morning. She went to the toilet and went to find Kathy. Before she turned the corner, she heard Kathy and Caro talking.

"Mum I know she hates the hospital and what you are saying is probably the best option, but they have psychiatrists and can adjust her meds. It hurt seeing her so haunted and unwell. It was good to see her cheer up and want to play with Kat, being comfortable with her little space with Kat and Katie. She needs a break from the world." Caro said, concern in her voice.

"I understand what you are saying and yes, the hospital would be the best option. However, Leo won't go and if you section her, she is going to hate you. Let's try to get her to take her holidays now, get her back into a routine and let her be in little space as long as she needs." Kathy answered, clearly upset and worried.

"We will try it your way and if she doesn't get better, she needs to go to the hospital. Hopefully when she wakes up Leo will be in big space, and we can talk. She is on holiday as I am benching her and get Sarah to take her clients until she is healthy again." Caro replied, in full psychologist mode.

Leonore returned to the bedroom needing to think and what was the best course of action. Caro was right about the hospital and putting her on medical leave, but it still annoyed her a little. She knew she did it out of love and couldn't really resent Caro for it. Leonore knew she was at breaking point, and it was time to stop pushing the limits, admit defeat at this moment of time. Live to fight another day or some bullshit.

"Are you ok, Leo?" Caro asked as she came in the room.

Leonore shook her head no and started to cry, Caro rushed over pulling her into a hug. Caro carried her downstairs to be with Kathy and Katie.

"It's going to be alright Leo; we are here for you." Caro said, rubbing her back.

When they joined the others, Leonore reached out for Kathy and climbed onto her lap.

"You want wakey wakey juice?" Caro asked, knowing having a coffee would help.

"Yes, peaze." Leonore answered, sitting next to Kathy.

"Can big Leo come out as we need to talk to her." Kathy asked, hoping she could.

"Iz try." Leonore answered, closing her eyes and trying to bury little Leonore.

"Here Leo, have some coffee and it might help." Caro said, handing her coffee to her.

Leonore drank her coffee and moaning a little as it was yummy, Caro was good at making it the way she liked it. Feeling the caffeine in her body gave her extra energy and she tried again to be big. Her mind was being an ass, but after a few stern words to herself and threats she was able to come out of her little space.

"I know I am sick, and I need to stop fighting it, I will do what you want. Except go to the hospital, I will ring Dr Michaels and see if I can see her this week. I just wanted to fight it as long as I could to make it to Easter. But I surrender and admit defeat." Leonore told them, telling them she knew she was bad.

"Here Leo." Caro said, passing her the phone to ring the psychiatrist.

"Caro, it's Sunday and I promise I will call tomorrow." Leonore said, smiling at her idiocy.

The phone rang making them all jump a little, it was Jane and Leonore answered it.

"Hey Jane, how are you?" Leonore said, putting on a fake happiness voice.

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