Chapter Twenty Seven

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Leonore headed back to the hotel, still unsure of how she felt about everything and what happened with Kathy made things more difficult. When she got to the hotel she sent a text to Virginia to let her know she was there and received a text saying that she would be there soon. Leonore went up to the hotel room to wait for Virginia, pouring herself a whiskey and sitting in the armchair looking out at the city. Leonore wondered if the lack of intensity for caring was a sign of her maturing is and having a better grasp on her emotions, that this is what normal people felt. That she was rational, but Leonore wondered how normal people knew they were in love and could they know without the intensity. Though she guessed that was the sexual desire was for and that was the intensity, Leonore certainly felt that with Virginia, Kathy, and Sammy. However, it made her a little sad as she liked that intense love feeling for someone and Leonore knew for certain she loved someone, now she wasn't sure. Leonore wasn't sure she could be that person again or even want to be that person again.

"Mmm, this looks very serious." Virginia said, coming in without Leonore knowing.

"Mmm, it's nothing. Did you have a good night?" Leonore answered, looking at her and smiling.

"Yes, it was fun to piss off my exhusband. But besides that, the night was good." Virginia replied, pouring them another drink. "What about you?"

"I'm glad and yeah, it was decent." Leonore answered, taking her drink.

"What did you tell them?" Virginia asked, curious if she said anything.

"I told them I was leaving and that we were free from Claire. But no, I didn't tell them you were here or what I have on her." Leonore answered, not concerned about her response.

"Will you tell them?" Virginia asked, wondering if she would keep her secret.

"I'm sure once I confront Claire, she will tell everyone for me and save me from it. It's not that I want to keep you a secret, it's about me trying to figure out what I want and where I want to be. The only thing I can commit to is going to England with you and being in this room with you, being fucked by you or me fucking you." Leonore answered, telling her what she can offer her.

Virginia came over to Leonore and straddled her legs, sitting on her lap. Leonore slid her hands up her legs and grabbed her ass, pulling her closer for a kiss. Virginia kissed her back, sighing into her mouth and thrusted her tongue inside Leonore's mouth. When Virginia began to unbutton her shirt, Leonore pulled her away and looked at her.

"Not tonight, I'm tired." Leonore told her, not wanting to have sex.

"Ok, you know you aren't broken? You are so deep in protective mode, that your protective schema is stopping you from getting hurt and with time and patience it will come back. I will wait until you are ready and be anything you need." Virginia told her, sitting beside her again.

"What did your daughter say about moving to England?" Leonore asked, changing the subject.

"They agreed to come, they need some time to get passports and everything. They will join us in time for Christmas." Virginia answered, sounding very pleased.

"I'm glad and I look forward to meeting her." Leonore replied, happy for her.

"Do you think Kathy would join us?" Virginia asked, curious if she wanted Kathy.

"What, why?" Leonore answered, frowning as she didn't know what she was playing at.

"I know you are close to her, and I know it was Kathy that got you over the heartbreak. She can offer you something I can't and I'm not ashamed to admit that you need her as much as I need you." Virginia replied, offering a safety net to Leonore.

The Chaos of a Broken Soul ( Mature Version)Where stories live. Discover now