Chapter 2: Friends:

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Chapter 2: Friends:

When I woke up it was after midnight, I checked my phone there was a message from Alex, I slept while texting him.

¤ Won't promise ¤

And another one:

¤ Still there Summer? ¤

I texted back, although it was midnight so I doubted he would answer till morning:

¤ Sorry, I fell asleep while waiting for your reply, you're probably asleep, sweet dreams ¤

I was surprised when he texted back:

¤ No problem, no I am not, I too fell asleep while waiting for your reply and I woke up half hour ago ¤


¤ You know you're the first guy who talks to me like that =) ¤


¤ What do you mean? ¤


¤ Well most of the guys a) try to get in my pants, b) have a crush on me and try to ask me out c) bore the heck out of me d) treat me like crap, and yeah you are different, I never thought talking to a stranger would be better than talking to people I know face to face ¤


¤ And what makes you think I am not one of those possibilities? ¤


¤ Well you don't know me so you aren't a) or b), I am not bored so you aren't c) and finally you aren't d) because you actually apologised about what happened earlier, so thank you ¤


¤ Glad to know I am your entertainment puppet =P , and no problem ¤


¤ I never said that =P ¤

And we spent the night talking about ourselves, we never talked about really private stuffs like family and those things but I knew what he does in his free time and what he likes and dislikes... So he did.


¤ I guess I made a friend in less than a day, Friends? ¤


¤ Me too, Friends =) ¤

And that was the last message before I slept again, it was in the early morning and it was Saturday I didn't have work.


Short chapter I know Sorry!

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