Chapter 11: Life Hates Me:

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  • Dedicated to Hanan

Hello everyone. It's time for an update!

This chapter is dedicated to my big sister, you'll probably never see this, but yeah.

Hope you don't hate me after this chapter.

Chapter 11: Life Hates Me:


"Morning!" Maxim chirped as he entered the kitchen.


I groaned, "What do you want Maxim?"


"Nothing, nothing, are you okay?" he asked.


"Yes," I glared at him. Just seeing him made my blood boil with anger.


He sighed, "Summer, I really don't understand why you hate me so much, what have I done to you?"


"Good morning!" Drew chirped, entering the kitchen and cutting my conversation with Maxim -not that I minded.


"How are you, sis?" Drew asked.


Immediately, I smiled, Drew's an amazing person.


"I'm really good, you?"


"Me too," he grinned.


"So, about that basketball match, when are we leaving?" Drew asked.


"We need a half hour to get there from here, so we'll leave at 7:30 pm," I answered.


"Will Bella be riding with us?" he grabbed  some of the pancakes I made.


"No, she'll be riding with Jay," I replied.


"I missed them," he told me.


I looked around the kitchen and noticed that Maxim was no where to be found.


"What's up with you and Maxim?" Drew looked at me.


"Nothing, why?" 


"Don't lie to me, Summer," Drew glared at me.


"It's nothing," I lied again.


"Summer, stop lying to me, okay?!" he exclaimed.


"I hate him, okay?" I said, "I can't act cool around him."


"Then it would be better if I left, wouldn't it?" Maxim suddenly entered the kitchen.




"No!" Drew protested, "You're not leaving, as much as it is Summer's house, it's mine too, I don't care why you hate him so much, he's staying with us, whether you like it or not."

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