Chapter 34: The Friendzone:

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// Dedication // dedicated to lxstinstereo, for being her amazing cute little self. Be sure to go check her stories and fangirl like I do.

Chapter 34: The Friendzone:

In my whole 20 years alive, I had felt this heartache more than once; when my first boyfriend broke up with me, when Seb left, when Drew and I fought and in many more situations. But I was sure that not once the heartache was as strong as when seeing the blonde guy make out with the girl. Or maybe, I only thought that because the other events seemed like they happened over a decade ago.

I hated myself for not closing the door or leaving, but hey, can you blame me?

In my dazed state, I didn't feel my eyes water, and I prayed that I wasn't really crying. Something else I didn't feel was a body standing right next to me, "Why are we staring at them making out, again?"

I froze, I swear I wasn't breathing properly and my heart stopped for a second as I turned around and closed the door gently. It all happened in a slow-motion, I whirled around, closed the door and hugged Alex so tight as he struggled to breathe.

"Didn't know you missed me that much, Summer," Alex joked.

I pulled away slowly, looking at him from head to toe, trying to understand what was happening, if Alex isn't inside, who is?

"Woah, why do you seem like you're going to cry anytime now? What's wrong, love?" his tone was concerned, as he brought is hand to my cheek and tried to rub the worry away.

"I- I saw... he-"

"You saw Seb making out with secretary, I saw too, but I thought you were over him..." he trailed off, a look of hurt and sadness washed his face.

Seb?! I mistook Seb for Alex, oh my God. I'm such an idiot.

Realizing that Alex thought that I thought it was Seb in there, I shook my head, but apparently he took it as 'no, I'm still not over him.' because he nodded, saying, "Yeah, I realized you weren't..."

"No... no, that's... not it," I finally found my voice.

Alex furrowed his eyebrows, trying to understand what's wrong. I took this chance to study our surroundings and how we were standing. Alex's hands were now on my waist, holding me close to him, my hands were on his shoulders. We were standing right outside the office, close to the door. And I didn't even understand how Seb and the girl didn't hear anything.

I stared at his confused blue breathtaking eyes, then my gaze dropped to his lips as it always does when we're so close. A frown was present on his face as he tried to understand what I meant. But then anger kicked in me, shaking me out of my shocked state and I pulled myself away from him completely, walking away to the elevator.

"Hey! Hey! Wait, what's wrong?" he asked, following me.

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