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Luke stood leaning against the door frame of Ashton's bathroom, watching Ashton try and tame his unruly curly hair.

Today was the day they were meeting Michael and his friend for coffee, and you could say Luke was jealous that his best friend was asked to hang out--though he knew it was suppose to be a date--by the guy he's been infatuated with for months. Ashton broke the bro code, but he knows Ashton's a little oblivious when guys flirt with him, so to him this is probably just a chill time with attractive guys and their friends.

Luke got annoyed on watching his friend and grabbed a comb to help him style his hair. With lots of hair spray they finally got it stay down.

Ashton sighed in relief, thanking Luke and went to change into black skinny jeans.

"Luke! Where are my pants?" Ashton yelled from his room.

Luke had just changed into his favorite outfit and styled his hair to perfection, sitting down on the couch to scroll through Twitter. Luke groaned in annoyance at his friend once again, "How should I know? They're your pants." Luke yelled back.

"But you did laundry last." Ashton retorted.

"Then check the dryer!"

Luke looked up to see Ashton running through the living room in his rainbow boxers he had been looking for. "Hey!" stopping Ashton from going any further, "Those are my boxers, hand them over."

"Now?" Luke nodded.

"Fuck you Luke," but stripped off the boxers and threw them in Luke's laundry basket. "Happy now?" Luke smirked, but nodded.

"Now put some boxers so I don't have to see your dick any longer, and some pants, I wanna leave so we don't run into any traffic."


Luke and Ashton arrived at the small coffee shop Michael had requested Ashton to meet him at, not wanting to go to a popular area where he might be spotted.

They chose a booth towards the back since they hadn't seen Michael here yet. Ashton looked over at Luke, he was bouncing his leg underneath the table, "Are you nervous Luke?"

Luke scoffed, "Yeah, sure. It's not like I'm about to meet Michael Clifford or anything like that."

"You'll be fine," Ashton giggled.

Too engrossed in their conversation to notice the bell on the door rung, signaling someone has entered.

"Ashton, sorry I'm a bit late. The traffic was horrid."

Luke froze next to his best friend. Afraid if he were to look up at the person with the soothing angelic voice that he might start crying. Ashton patted his thigh, and turned his attention to Michael.

"Hi Michael, it's okay. We've only been here for a few minutes." Ashton reassured him, smiling towards the boy with red hair. Then he noticed the boy next to him assuming it to be his friend he talked about.

Michael noticing where Ashton gaze moved to, "Oh! This is my best friend Calum." Calum nodded towards Ashton, then whispered something in Michael's ear making the boy slap his friend.

"This is my best friend Luke." Ashton smiled brightly, nudging Luke to look up and say hello.

When Luke looked up towards Michael, he held back the urge to gasp. Michael was even more beautiful in person if that was even possible, his green eyes shone bright, his red hair seemed even darker with his roots showing but he didn't care, all he wanted was to run his fingers through it and kiss Michael.

Michael noticed Luke staring, he shifted on his feet a bit uncomfortable under the blondes gaze. He felt something deep down making him feel a bit nauseous, but wasn't quite sure what it was. Michael decided to introduce himself to Ashton's friend to be polite. "Hello Luke, I'm Michael."

Luke about died when Michael said his name, but being the stupid person he is, he blurted out, "I know, I watch your show!"


an: I wrote this hella fast so ignore any mistakes. I'll probably go back and edit it some later when I find time.

This week is so busy asdfghklugh so unless I find time to write, the next update will probably be Friday.

Thanks for reading! (:

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