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Calum decided picking Luke up from working later that day would be a great idea. Until he had realized he didn't know which Guitar Center Luke actually worked at. Which resulted in Calum having to call Michael to ask for Luke's number because he knew his best friend had it for reasons he was unsure of.

Michael kept asking Calum why he needed it so badly and Calum blurted the first thing that came to mind and now he's not sure how he'll get out of it this time.

"I want to ask him out! Geez give me his damn number!" Calum yelled through his phone, slamming his hand against the steering wheel in his car.

"You don't even like guys." Michael laughed at his friend, "Why do you really need it?"

"I find him attractive. I'm all for boobs, but he's fucking hot. I wouldn't mind him blowing me." Calum grimaced at his words making a face and was glad Michael wasn't with him and the conversation was happening over the phone because one look at Calum and Michael would tell he's lying.

"Whatever you say Mr. I-don't-like-dick. I'll text you his number."

"Thank you. That's literally all I wanted and took ten minutes to give it to me. Now I will be at you house in little bit, prepare to be cuddled."

"Sureeeee. See yah." Michael grumbled, hanging up on Calum before he could say bye. Calum was used to it by now, Michael would just rather not talk to anyone on the phone even if you were close to him, talking in person or texting was what he preferred.

A few minutes later Calum received a text from Michael with Luke's number, Calum hoped Luke would be able to answer his phone while working because he was desperate now to find out where he worked so he can drag Luke over to Michael's and lock them in a dark room with a bottle of lube and condoms, like that's what friends are for.

Calum dialed the number and waited patiently for Luke to answer.

Calum was greeted with a muffled 'Hello?' and 'Who is this?'

"Hey Luke! It's Calum."

"Oh, hey Calum. What did you need?" Luke questioned, he was in the middle of break not doing much today anyway, the store had been empty which he didn't mind but it made the day drag on.

"What Guitar Center do you work at?" Calum questioned, going straight to the point not wanting to drive aimlessly around the outskirts of L.A. anymore today.

"The one that's like ten minutes from my apartment. Why?"

"Oh, no reason really. See you in a bit. Bye!" Calum quickly hung up before Luke could further questions him.


Twenty minutes later the bell above the door buzzed signaling someone has entered the store. Luke looked up from the magazine he was reading behind the counter, Luke wasn't shocked when Calum walked in. What other reason would Calum need to know which store Luke worked at.

"Hello," Luke put on his fake smile for Calum. "Welcome to Guitar Center. Is there anything I can help you find?"

Calum laughed at Luke. "I'm just looking for a walking breadstick. Have you seen him?"

"What the fuck." Luke slapped Calum's arm. Moving out from behind the counter fixing some displays, straightening some of the instruments in his area to busy himself while Calum follows him around.

"What time do you get off work?"

"Right now."

"Well let's go!"

Luke shook his head, "Let me clock out first and change, then we can go wherever you're incredibly impatient to get to."


"This is your fucked up plan? Were you just going to throw me into Michael's house and expect us to happily skip out holding hands while we're hopelessly in love with each other?"

"Something like that." Calum shrugged.

"You're delusional." Luke scoffed, looking at the house in front of him. He recognized it instantly when they pulled up into the gated drive way from watching Life as a Clifford.

"Shut up. Now let's get inside and all you need to do is seduce Michael. Simple as-" Calum paused, remembering his conversation he had with Michael earlier. He can't waltz in there and shove Luke at Michael when he clearly said he wanted Luke to do sinful things to him. "Change of plans. I kind of told Michael I was going to ask you out... So now we have to try and make him jealous. Maybe act all clingy to me?"

"You what?!" Luke looked at Calum eyes wide.

"Yeah... sorry about that. Um, this can help us figure out how he feels toward you."

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

Calum nudged his shoulder urging him to ring the door bell. Luke shakily did, nerves running through his body.

The door in front of them swung open revealing a very shocked and pant-less Michael. His eyes didn't leave Luke, he wasn't expecting anyone but Calum to come by today so he was only in his boxers. "Uh, sorry. I wasn't expecting anyone but Calum to show up." Michael glared at his friend. Michael was most definitely not in the mood to deal with his moody boyfriends best friend.

Calum only smirked.

"I definitely don't mind." Luke blurted out.

"What?" Michael looked at him.

"What? Nothing. Nothing. Forget I said anything!" Luke said frantically.

Luke could feel his cheeks heating up, his face was a light shade of pink from embarrassment. This is not how he had planned this to go in his mind. But sometimes he says things without thinking and lately it's only happened around Michael.

Luke looked at Calum who was laughing at him. "Fuck off Calum."

"Aw," Michael cooed at them. "C'mon inside, lovebirds."


an: this chapter is everywhere and unedited as of right now, sorry.

in other news I'm going to start another story after I finish this one (which will be soon). I posted the blurb and everything to it so if you could check it out that would be great! It's called Luke and the boy next door it's based off the novel Lola and the boy next door by Stephanie Perkins. So basically cute fluffy romance with the occasional drama.

Thanks for the 2k+ reads and 300 votes. It truly means a lot to me that people enjoy this story.

Thanks for reading! :)

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