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Michael looked at Luke, confused as to why he was only wearing rainbow boxers and a t-shirt, though Michael didn't question it. He sat quietly on the couch and watched as Luke paced in front of the coffee table. Michael had a hunch Luke had been doing that since talking.

"Go ahead, talk." Luke ushered, moving his hands in a frantic motion. Luke stopped his pacing, staring across the small table at Michael.

Michael wiped his sweaty hands on his skin clad jeans before standing up to face Luke, instead of cowering himself into the comfort of the couch.

"Okay, you want me to talk?" Luke nodded. "Fine. I'll talk, but don't talk until I'm done." Luke nodded again, keeping his mouth shut to let Michael explain all that he needs to.

Michael sighed loudly, running his hands through his hair before starting. "I'm sorry."

Luke gave Michael a quizzical look, waiting for him to continue, but he didn't. Luke laughed, "Is that seriously all you're going to say?"

"Shut up, Luke." Michael snapped. "I'm not done."

Luke held his hands up feigning offense towards Michael's words. He chuckled lightly before ushering Michael once again to continue.

"I'm sorry. I screwed up a potentially great friendship," Luke internally flinched at the word friendship because he wants so much more. "And I honestly regret every bad thing I might've said about you, Luke." Michael said wholeheartedly. "You're such a great, kind, loving guy from what I've seen and I turned you into something you aren't. I hope you would consider forgiving me. I'm so so sorry."

"What I don't understand is why? Why do you want my forgiveness so bad? I'm just some guy who's likes your show and met you a little over a month ago. You could continue on with your life without ever speaking to me again and you'd be fine." Luke spoke honestly, he wanted Michael to need him, to want him, but in reality Luke was just a normal guy living in L.A. with his best friend. Luke couldn't get a world famous reality TV star to like him, there's no way.

Michael shook his head, "You're so much more, Luke. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew you never forgave me. In such a short amount of time you've become something big to me. Honestly, I can't-I can't stop thinking about you, I don't know why, but I can't, Luke."

Luke moved around the coffee table to stand in front of Michael, "You don't really mean that." Luke smiled sadly. "No one has enough time to think about me."


"It's true," Luke interrupted. "I haven't had a relationship since high school. I haven't had someone give me the time of day in so long. So it's hard for me to believe you couldn't get me off your mind. Anyway, I'm getting off track." Luke diverted his gaze to anywhere but Michael before speaking again. "I forgive you."

"Go on a date with me." Michael blurted out.

Luke jaw dropped going slack, eyes wide. He wasn't sure if he had heard Michael correctly. "What? I just said I forgive-"

Michael interrupted, "I know and I'm so glad. But, I want you to go out with me."

"I can't."

"And why not?"

"I can't," Luke stammered. "I-I just-I can't. You just broke up with Ashton. He's my friend."

"You're best friend who wants you to be happy. Luke, he knows how much you like me. And I-I feel something towards you, I can't push those feelings away." Michael spoke. Luke was still staring at him in utter shock.

"Fuck!" Luke exclaimed, tugging at his hair. "You're not supposed to like me! I'm supposed to sit on my couch and watch your show on every damn Monday and dream about meeting you, I'm supposed to have a silly crush on you Michael. This isn't supposed to happen."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a fuck up. Nothing ever good comes with knowing me. I'm surprised Ashton has stuck with me for so long."

"Luke." Michael said softly, reaching out to grip Luke's arms, pulling him close so he could look Luke in the eye. "I like you. These feelings hit me out of nowhere. I was with Ashton, but I was so confused why he didn't make feel the way you made me feel when I was around you for only a short while."

"No, no, no."

Michael gripped the front of Luke's shirt, firmly pressing his lips against Luke's. They both didn't move, standing frozen in place. Michael was shocked with himself at the moment. He wasn't going to kiss Luke, but something was telling him he needed to. Luke needed to know this wasn't a joke, he needed the reassurance of Michael that he's not a fuck up. Luke just needed Michael, his missing puzzle piece. Realization came over Luke before he began kissing Michael back. It was clumsy and they both weren't sure what to do, or where to put their hands.

When they pulled away Luke looked to the side, awkwardly pulling out of Michael's grip, gnawing on his lip nervously.


"What?" Michael asked breathlessly.

"I'll go out with you."


an: sorry it's up so late. I wanted to have it done earlier but that clearly didn't happen.

But you got your Muke. 🎉

this chapter was kinda everywhere though, I'll probably go through and edit it some tomorrow or whenever I find time.

next update will probably be sunday. there's probably only going to be three more chapters :(((( I haven't made up my mind quite yet.

thanks for reading :)

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