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"Where are we going?" Luke asked, buckling himself up. Luke folded his hands on his lap, looking over towards Michael.

Michael had picked up Luke around 4 o'clock with a bouquet of some mangled looking roses in hand, but Luke still smiled brightly at the boy thanking him, because it's the thought that counts.

"It's a surprise," Michael grinned, pressing down on the break before putting the car into the drive and pulling out of Luke's apartment complex.

"You told me to dress semi-nice. I was simply curious why I needed to dress to impress."

"It'll take us a while to get there even if the god awful traffic goes smoothly." Michael explained gesturing with his hands until Luke yelled at him to put them back onto the steering wheel.

Luke pouted, slumping down into his seat. "This better be worth it." Luke grumbled mostly to himself, but Michael heard him.

"Trust me, it will."


"You brought me to fucking Disneyland!" Luke excitedly exclaimed, he was beaming and about ready to jump out of the car and run inside the park.

Michael jumped out of the car, rushing to open the door for Luke. Once they were all situated Michael wrapped his arm around Luke's waist pulling him close.

Michael went to pick up his tickets he pre-purchased yesterday, at one of the windows. Luke argued with him for a good five minutes about helping pay because Disneyland tickets are not cheap. Luke eventually lost the argument, something about "I'm rolling in cash so you don't ever have to pay." and that frustrated Luke. Michael was rich, he understood that. But, Luke didn't want Michael to spend all his money, he wanted to help pay for things because he wanted it to be fair. Luke also didn't want people to look at him and assume he's a gold digger. Though he shouldn't care what others might say but the thought still bothered him.

They made their way into the park. Luke looked at everything in awe, he mentally cursed himself for not knowing or bringing more money with him to buy souvenirs. And he didn't want to ask Michael, even though Michael would do anything for the blond boy.

"I made us a reservation. They said it was one of their more romantic restaurants they have inside the park. And being who I am and pulling some strings I managed to get us in." Michael smiled smugly. "We better get going or we'll be late."


"Wow." Luke looked around at the setting, it looked as if they plucked a restaurant right out New Orleans and placed it here. All the different smells of seafood and seasonings drifted through the air making both boys more hungry as every second passed.

"Do you like it? It's not too much is it? I wanted our first date to be special after everything I put you through." Michael rambled nervously, he could clearly see Luke was having the time of his life, but the nagging feeling at the pit of his stomach wouldn't go away and Michael couldn't help but feel that Luke might possibly hate everything happening.

"It's perfect." Luke assured. But, he was also just as nervous as Michael. Everything he had planned was more than Luke could have imagined.

Luke assumed Michael would take him to get a burger or see a movie, but Michael paid attention to small details and hints Luke doesn't even remember giving out. Apparently he "said" he liked a good ole romantic dinner date and a quickie in the backseat of the car. Luke was absolutely positive Calum told Michael the last part since Luke wasn't even sure he'd fit in the backseat of Michael's car. Let alone have sex.

"Do you want to split a meal? The Surf and turf is like $50!" Luke suggested, gaping at the prices. He couldn't imagine spending so much on one meal.

Michael shook his head and smiled at the blond boy sitting across from him. "Nope. Get what you want. Tonight is all about you, Lukey."

"I don't want you to have to spend so much on me." Pouting Luke looked over the menu again to see if there was anything cheaper.

"You're the first person to ever say that to me." Michael grinned, he knew whatever he had with Luke now was right. He could feel it. Michael couldn't handle anymore bad relationships.

"Well all those other people are jerks."

"You're incredible, Luke."

"I know." Luke winked while he smiled smugly, taking a chance with such simple words, but knew Michael would laugh.

Michael did indeed laugh.


The two boys left the restaurant in a giggling mess and all Michael could think of is how he wanted to hear Luke giggle for the rest of his life. The sound made his insides do flips and feel as hundreds of butterflies fluttered around in his stomach.

They wandered around the park for a few more hours enjoying each other's company. They rode a few rides together and Michael even bought matching Mickey Mouse hat ears. Luke just kept gushing about how they are "relationship goals".

"Mikeyyy," Luke said, still giggling hours later. "Let's watch the fireworks! And then you can kiss me."

Michael wrapped his arms around Luke from the back. resting his head in the crook of his neck. Michael inhaled deeply, loving the sweet smell of Luke, he always managed to smell fruity and Michael loved it.

"What makes you think I'll kiss you?" Michael breathed, nuzzling his nose into Luke's soft porcelain skin.

"Like you'd ever deny these lips."

"You know me so well."

Michael pulled Luke over by the castle as the fireworks started, music playing loudly in the background. But they were both too lost in each other to care. Michael had Luke wrapped tightly in his arms, Luke had his hand in Michael hair tugging lightly. Their lips were melded together in a sweet gentle kiss, but it ended up to be much more to them, it was a moment they wouldn't ever forget.


an: sORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! it's actually longer than normal so love me

I hope it was worth the wait. Um sorry the ending sucks like I can't write kissing scenes at all and when I do they turn out awful. That's why it's not detailed. lol



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