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[ 1 year later ]

"Mikey!" Luke yelled for the third time, desperately trying to gain the attention of his boyfriend who was sitting in front of the TV only a few feet away. "You're lucky I love you." Luke continued to yell.

"Shut up, Luke."

"I was worried you actually couldn't hear me for a second." Luke giggled.

Michael turned his attention away from the TV in front of him and looked toward Luke the instant he giggled, even a year later the sound of his boyfriends laugh always seemed more important than anything else.

A small smirk graced Michaels lips. "I always hear you. I just don't always want to reply." Michael joked, winking at Luke.

Luke stuck his bottom lip out into a pout.

"Lukey," Michael whined, "You can't always pout to get your way because I always end up caving."

"Not my fault you're a sucker. Quite literally might I add." Luke jumped onto Michael's lap and placed his arms around his neck.

"I have one request." Luke kissed Michael's cheek. "You never owned up to your offer of playing guitar with me."

"Oh, really. When did I say this?"

"Oh I don't know. Way back, y'know when you were fucking my best friend." Luke said, not even phased about Michael and Ashton's short-lived relationship anymore. They have let that stay in the past, now Ashton is in a happy relationship with a really great guy he met at one of Michael's party six months ago, he's really nice and Luke is glad his best friend finally found someone. "Okay, maybe you weren't fucking, but it was when we met at that café over a year ago. And I was acting stupid because you were in my presence."

"That was so long ago. How could you possibly remember?" Michael asked, an obvious joking tone in his voice.

Luke rolled his eyes before pinching Michael's cheeks. "You're so cute," Luke gushed, "But so forgetful. That's why I'm here to remember everything."

"That's what my publicist is for." Michael retorted as it was the most obvious thing.

"What happens when he's no longer there?"

"I'll suck your dick and then you'll inform me of important dates." Michael gripped Luke's waist pulling him closer onto his lap. "How does that sound?"

Laughing, Luke replied, "Not bad. I still think I deserve more."

"You wish."

"Ugh. Let's go get ready. We have somewhere to be that your publicist didn't remind you of. I expect something in return tonight." Luke said smugly.


Michael and Luke were sitting on a small love seat that was in the Life as a Clifford taping room. They were about reveal their relationship on the show, even though they have been dating for well over a year, Michael didn't want Luke to be smothered so early on.

Luke clutched Michael's hand, nervous about letting their relationship be publicly known now. Sure Michael posted pictures of the two all over social media, but people still seemed to be in denial that Michael was into guys, so they never payed to attention to the countless selfies of him and his beautiful blond boyfriend. What they did seem to pay attention to was Michael's most recent hair color. Blue, per request of Luke.

People were counting down in the background and before they knew it they were filming.

"Michael, we hear you're in a relationship now. Is that correct?" A producer in the background asked, cameras were in pointing at them in every angle imaginable.

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