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Ashton sat down next to Luke on the couch, handing him a plate with eggs and toast on it. Leaving again, Ashton then returned with a bottle of ketchup knowing how his best friend only ate his eggs that way. Luke mumbled a quick 'thank you' waiting for whatever Ashton was going to say since he only made Luke breakfast when he needed to "talk".

"Why did Michael drop you off late last night?" Ashton asked, nervously biting his lip.

"I was at his house." Luke said bluntly, then he realized how that sounded, correcting himself. "I was hanging out with Calum and then he decided 'hey I'm gonna leave and not tell them' so Michael brought me home. Something about how you'd kill him if I took the buses alone at midnight." Luke shrugged, continuing to eat his breakfast.

Luke grabbed the TV controller flipping through different stations before he stopped; settling with watching some cartoons.

"Michael wanted to come say hi to you, but you were already asleep. Well, apparently you weren't..."

"Oh." Is all Ashton could think to say.

That's how both boys spent their morning, watching cartoons in an awkward silence that's never been there before.


Luke was still lounging around in his shared apartment, it being his day off and having nothing but the TV to occupy his time. His only close friend he had in L.A. was Ashton, and well, their not on the best of terms right now...

Luke also had his newest friend, Calum. But, the guy was a little weird. His plan to get Luke and Michael together was okay at first until he decided to leave them alone.

Luke went over to the kitchen counter and grabbed his phone off of it. He noticed a text from Calum. Luke rolled his eyes. Figuring it probably said something inappropriate.

[From: Calum]

Soooo. How was the car sex last night? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Luke was right. Definitely inappropriate.

[To: Calum]

Fuck off.

[From: Calum]

Oh, I see. Michael didn't pound you hard enough last night so you're bitter.

[To: Calum]

What makes you think we had car sex?

[From: Calum]

Michael said he broke it off with Ashton?? Said it just didn't feel right and everything happened so sudden.

I figured you two had angry sex or something.

[To: Calum]

whAT? Ashton seemed fine earlier???

[From: Calum]

You should probably ask him about it.

Also I will be at your house with a bag filled with lube and condoms for you and Mikey.

[To: Calum]

Dear god. What is wrong with you?

[From: Calum]

Excuse me. I'm just trying to help a brother out.

[To: Calum]

You don't need to help me with my sex life.

[From: Calum]

*cough* **your non-existent sex life.


Luke decided he better get his lazy ass off the couch and talk to Ashton about this whole "Michael thing" and see if Calum was actually telling him the truth. He's only known the guy for a little over two weeks, so not long.

"Hey Ashton? Can I come in?" Luke knocked on his bedroom door and waited for reply.

"Sure," Luke heard Ashton's muffled voice close to the door, figuring he was sitting on his bed.

Luke opened the door and looked at his best friend sitting on his bed eating a tub of ice cream, a empty pizza box laying open on the ground. Luke wondered when he ordered pizza, but pushed that thought aside and focused on Ashton.

Plopping down next to Ashton on the bed, Luke asked, "Are you okay?"

Ashton turned, giving Luke a strange look before nodding. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Calum said Michael broke it off... I figured you'd be sad..."

"Michael did. Everything felt as it was moving too fast. We didn't even go on a proper date and then next thing I knew we were boyfriends. I'm okay though, it was only a week." Ashton sighed, running his hand through his matted curls. "During that week it caused so much drama between us, Luke. No relationship is worth it if I lose my best friend along the way."

"Glad you finally realized that," Luke joked.

"Best friends?"

"Best friends." Luke agreed.


an: hella short. okay, maybe not super short but a little shorter than I usually write.

Mashton is no longer in the picture. Literally, when I had it planned out they were only dating for a short bit and then Mikey figures it all out in his head. And to think some of you doubted me smh ;)

I love reading your comments and seeing people voting. It makes me smile :D

Thanks for reading! :)

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