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Alana looked perfect as she absentmindedly licked her full lips, sizzling like hot sex. This fact was not lost on many male members of the Protection, and some female members too. Their eyes stayed glued to her as she effortlessly crossed the room in her sky high metallic heels, her hair billowing behind her with every move and her violet eyes trained on me. 

She appeared to be heading straight towards the table at which I was seated, and more importantly, the still empty seat across from me. Please, God no. I prayed she wasn't strategically placed across from me, but knew Helen would enjoy nothing more than my discomfort at this awkward arrangement. This ploy had her evil signature written all over it. As she moved closer, I pulled my eyes away, ashamed, and back towards my lap and the roll of fat which occupied my middle, all of my inadequacies slamming at once into my brain. I felt the table shift as Alana took her seat across from me, confirming all of my worst fears.

"Hello, Perry. It's good to see you again," she said, and I glanced up, noting her large genuine smile. I couldn't fathom how she could be kind to me at that moment. It wasn't exactly a secret Kyler, her fiance, and I had fooled around last year. That I was the dirty little stain on The Protection's golden boy and the perfect promised couple. If the roles were reversed, I would probably have yanked her onto the table and smeared butter all over her face as I pulled her beautiful thick hair. Yet another reason why she was vastly superior to me.

"It's great to see you too, Alana," I muttered, my voice coming out strained. I sensed Helen shift next to me, no doubt enjoying the show.

"Hello, my dear beautiful future daughter in law," Helen gushed in a kind voice I didn't recognize. I fought the urge to vomit in my mouth as the words 'daughter in law' crossed her lips. The words were meant to dig at me, and I hated that it worked. Alana reached her thin tan arm across the table and squeezed Helen's bony hand in a loving way. I was suddenly entranced by the large emerald cut diamond on Alana's ring finger. An engagement ring. From Kyler Isaacs. I stiffened, sucking in my breath, and felt the Spanx slide down my stomach a little further. The giant ring signified they were still together, and that the wedding was definitely still on. The only thing that saved my sanity was there wasn't a wedding band accompanying the rock. My theory about a married Kyler fell flat.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Alana said, taking her hand back and shifting in her seat, crossing her legs beneath the table. "I had to check on the status of our project," she said cryptically, taking a lady-like sip of her champagne.

"Everything okay?" Helen asked, and I could hear the underlying concern in her voice.

"Yes, yes everything's fine. About the same, but we're making some solid progress. I think it may be finished in the next couple of weeks," Alana mused hopefully, but her violet eyes looked sad, tears welling up in the corners. I narrowed my own eyes. What the hell are they talking about? What project? Why would something positive make Alana so visibly upset? Helen reached her hand out again and squeezed Alana's gently.

"Hang in there. You're doing an amazing job, and it'll be over before you know it." Alana agreed with a nod and composed herself again. I looked at Sam Isaacs, curious if he understood what this cryptic conversation was about, but he was back to ignoring the table, disinterested, and playing with his tie. I had the feeling that despite his warm kindness, he was a simple man, one who sat back and allowed Helen Isaacs to pull the strings and run the show.

My father finished his conversation and sat back in his chair, nodding once approvingly to Alana, before slowly scanning the room, monitoring for something. I was curious at what could possibly have Mister All Powerful on edge. I followed his eyes but saw nothing interesting, aside from a busty redhead laughing a little too loudly and touching Julian's arm for a moment too long. He looked twice as uncomfortable as I felt at the sight. A beautiful woman giving Julian attention shouldn't bother me, but I found myself oddly battling a pang of jealousy. Maybe he wasn't the only one who developed feelings over the summer... I tore my eyes away at the thought and walked to the bar for another drink. If I was going to confront my father and watch Julian get sexually harassed I needed a good buzz.

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