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"Oh my God! She's crashing again!" West screamed from the hallway of the infirmary. Julian opened his eyes. It was late. There must have been a catastrophe. I felt Julian pray for whatever Protector was involved. "Go get President Andrews! He needs to be here in case she doesn't pull through," West shouted and Julian's eyes flew open. 

He ripped the needles from his arms, despite the alarms of the machines as he stood up from the bed. I felt the terror coursing through his veins as he stormed into the hallway and saw my translucent lifeless form surrounded by a dozen Healers and one very tall Protector. "Push another dose of antitoxin," West demanded. "And call that neurosurgeon at Dallas General again. We may need him." West looked panicked, but was trying to hold it together the best she could for her team. If the President's daughter died on her shift, she'd never practice again. I could taste Julian's rage and disbelief.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" he roared, shoving Kyler backwards harshly, his large hand disconnecting from mine.

"I didn't do anything to her!" Kyler insisted, his dark eyes now a shade lighter. "Beth got to her somehow and poisoned her!" Kyler screamed, his eyes wild as he pulled on his blonde hair and paced side to side. "I tried to save her. God knows I tried," he cried as he fell to his knees behind the Healers who continued to push medications and hold their illuminated hands to my head as I continued to vomit blood. My body convulsed beneath them.

"Stop! Stop! Her body can't take anymore. We need that neurosurgeon!" West demanded. Kyler was shaking, his shoulders racked by his sobbing.

"I tried to save her..." he continued, and to my shock, Julian walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I know. I know you did," Julian said as I moved back into my body.  

"Where is he?" I asked, feeling Julian tense beside me, his hand clawing possessively into my hurt shoulder.

"He comes and goes. He checks on you every morning at the end of his shift," Julian said. "Do you want me to see if he's available?" I took a moment, weighing my options, but shook my head and felt Julian relax again into my side. Even if Kyler saved my life, it changed nothing between us. He was still engaged, and I was with someone else.

"I'm starving," I finally said, changing the subject. "Do you think Healer Barbie has any more Jell-o in this place for me?" Julian laughed, pushing the red button on my call light, signifying to the nurse I was in need.

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