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As I stood in line, I tried to be a good girl and focus my eyes on the bar, one made entirely of ice, but found myself sneaking another peek back at Julian's table. The redhead now had her eyes shut laughing impossibly louder, and her head rested on Julian's shoulder. My anger flamed and a stack of cocktail napkins flew forward, spilling over the bartop in front of me. I cursed under my breath and bent down to pick up the discarded napkins, feeling the Spanx protest even tighter as I bent forward.

 A dark smooth hand met mine as I squatted, hunched on all fours like a chunky preteen baseball catcher. I looked up to find a handsome African American man with a pair of kind blue eyes looking into mine. They reminded me of Ben's sweet blue eyes, and I smiled at the resemblance. My mind begged to show me the first time Ben and I met at the party, but I pushed the vision aside and instead picked up the remainder of the napkins. I pulled myself upright and took the napkins from the stranger.

"Thank you," I said as I placed the napkin collection on the bartop. The young man was obviously another incoming Protection recruit and was a little shorter than me in my high heels. His black hair was cut short to his scalp and a bright pink pastel tie adorned his chest. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so clumsy," I lied, knowing I hadn't come into contact with the napkins, at least not physically. My abilities were spiraling out of control.

"That's okay. I could tell that you were distracted," he teased with a thick British accent, nodding towards Julian's table. I felt my cheeks burn a deep shade of red, but the man shook his head goodnaturedly. "I must say, I don't blame you. Julian Rodriguez is positively, sinfully delicious." My eyebrows rose in surprise by his open admission. "I would let that gorgeous man get me naked and listen to him talk dirty to me in Spanish with those beautiful lips any day of the damn week. And I speak no Spanish." He winked, and I did my best to suppress a laugh, but to no avail. If he only knew how amazing that scenario was...

"Yes, he's incredible, but so is she," I whispered before I could stop myself. Embarrassed, I turned and ordered a Tito's and soda from the bartender for my pride. I looked at my new friend who smiled flirtatiously at the handsome bartender.

"Vodka Red Bull, sweetie," he purred as the bartender smiled and prepared our drinks.

"And you must be talking about Miss Red, over there, Brittany" he asked, motioning towards the redhead. I nodded and he laughed, a light welcome sound. "Sure, she's hot and has great tits, but she's completely vapid. Mr. Julian Rodriguez would never be into any girl that surface level. That... basic. From what I hear, he likes a side of intellect with his sex," he ventured dreamily, leaning against the ice of the bar. I fleetingly wondered if he could feel the chill beneath his tight white suit jacket. He straightened up as Julian glanced in our direction and smiled, shifting away from the redhead. "Plus, Brittany is old news around here. Most of the guys in The Protection already know her inside and out, if you know what I mean," he whispered salaciously, wagging an eyebrow. The bartender placed our drinks on the bar, and he grabbed them both, carfully handing me mine with a smile.

Before I had any time to take a sip of my much needed drink or to process the scandalous information, the man hooked his elbow through mine and guided me to yet another small cocktail table by the door.

"Now, my darling, that one, next to her, is the one you need to watch out for," he said as he motioned towards a black haired, petite girl sitting beside the red head. The girl was immersed in her cell phone, openly ignoring everyone around her, and emitting an air of disinterest with underlying notes of bitchiness. The girl was pretty, in a strange way, but her nose was too large for her face and her shoulders slumped in a naturally hunched posture, no doubt a sign of her abusive cell phone use. "She's the devil incarnate. Francesca Radulov." I studied her further, not able to pinpoint the familiarity with her, like I had somehow met her before. "I do say I feel a tinge sorry for her though. Her sister is engaged to the Protection Prince himself. I mean compared to that, what else is there left to live for?" he sighed dramatically. My eyes snapped back to the man's face studying his mischievous blue eyes before shifting back to Francesca again.

"Her sister is Alana? Alana... Radulov?" I asked.

"The one and only. Have you met her? I think I saw her sitting at your table," he prodded, but I didn't answer as I kept my eyes on Francesca. I could see the resemblance now, her long dark hair and caramel skin matched her sister's, but everything else about her was sour.

"Is she at the opening ceremony because she's from one of the four royal Protection families?" I asked, thinking back to a discussion I had with Juilian over the summer. His raspy voice had described the four original families and how they created the Protection back in biblical times, yet still reigned within the organization. The Isaacs, the Radulovs, the Andrews, and the Bennetts. The man shook his head.

"Yes and no. Francesca is here due to her status as a child of a royal family, but also to celebrate her birth into the program. Early. At seventeen, to be exact." He rolled his perfect blue eyes and polished off his drink in one final gulp.

"There is so much for me to learn," I huffed, finishing my drink and placing my empty glass next to his on the table.

"Then it's a good thing you have me as a fairy godfather to guide you along the way," the man said. He took a deep dramatic bow and kissed my hand, like a prince to a queen. I giggled and glanced over at Julian, his eyes narrowed into slits, watching our exchange. "I don't know where my manners are. I'm Avery Bennett, of the royal Bennetts of London. It's nice to finally meet you, Miss Perry Andrews," he said and I laughed again, shocked.

"How did you-"

"I know everything, Perry. Stick with me, and you too will know everything," he said, bowing again before grabbing a glass of champagne off a tray as a waiter passed by with perfect timing. I wondered if he had the gift of sight to know the waiter would pass by. "It's time we get back to the party. So nice to meet you again, Miss Perry." He waved and was off, moving quickly through the crowd back to his table directly beside mine.

"You too," I called fleetingly, but he was already out of earshot. Avery must have the gift of super speed as well. He may think he knows everything, but he didn't know about my connection to Kyler and Alana, and I wondered how many people in this room actually knew. I glanced back at Julian to escape my thoughts.

"You okay?" Julian mouthed to me, wanting desperately to get away from Brittany and her large breasts, but I nodded and waved him off. I still had a mission to get back to, and the dinner plates were being served. I walked back to my table, smiling at Bennett as I passed his table, and took my seat next to my father. My father pushed up his sleeves to eat, and I placed my hand on his wrist as I asked for the salt. I pushed my mind out, into his, and I felt the gray color in my eyes go white. Showtime.

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